It felt almost cathartic working on our November Self issue.

It felt almost cathartic working on our November Self issue.
In the last month, I evolved from someone who hadn’t worked out in three years to one who does so four times a week. I also increased my guided-meditation frequency from never to weekly.
What prompted the change?
I’m not entirely sure, but I’ve learnt that life doesn’t work in a linear way. I can’t deny that 2020 has made me rethink how and where I spend my time and money, but as we stay home more while being unable to travel, I have to admit that there are now fewer distractions.
I started to see what I needed (and what I did not need) in my life, both physically and soulfully, and it’s heartening to know that I’m part of a collective of women who feel the same way.
Our entrepreneurial #HerWorldTribe women share why journaling is like a form of meditation, helping them work through their thoughts and become better people (page 100).
In the meantime, another group of fitness enthusiasts did not allow the temporary closure of gyms and studios to hinder their workout routines. They got practical and reinvented their version of a boutique gym – in their own homes. Despite gyms reopening, they continue to keep their home gyms, and they tell us why on page 110. – NG YI LIAN, EDITOR

Keep a journal and become a better person, pg 100

Gym closed? No sweat – just work out at home, pg 110