Get it all done in record time with super moves that firm, burn, flatten, and crank up your cardio.

Get it all done in record time with super moves that firm, burn, flatten, and crank up your cardio.

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We asked US-based celebrity trainer Shaun T to fill a tough order: build a compact workout that gives your body every possible benefit. And he sure delivered! The man whose brand is Insanity says it’s really all about accessibility. “My overall message is helping people transform without barriers,” he says. “That’s the reason you won’t need any gear here – you’ll use just your body weight. And you will still kick your own butt.”
The key is that these exercises are compound and the reps are non-stop. “I like to put ab strengthening into every single move,” he says. So expect to feel that in your core as you’re hopping, lunging, squatting, and twisting. The same goes for those lower- body powerhouses, your legs. “It’s your largest muscle group, and using them in a workout skyrockets your heart rate,” he says. Of course, that higher heart rate translates into a bigger calorie burn.
The drill is simple: do each move for one minute. You can decide whether to go one round (seven minutes) or up to three (for 21 minutes). “If you choose seven minutes, go all out and give it everything you’ve got,” he says. “If you do 14, do the first seven slow and controlled, then ramp it up and push for the second round. And if you go 21 minutes, dig deep for that last round to maintain your intensity.”
Whichever route you pick, your goal is to empty the tank by that last rep. “I always like to tell people, with the struggle comes strength,” Shaun T says. And a killer body, too.
Do each move for one minute, completing as many reps as possible. Perform them back- to-back – no resting between sets. Do the full circuit one to three times; rest between circuits if needed.
A mat is optional for the floor move.
Works shoulders, biceps, abs, obliques, butt, legs

Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms bent, hands in front of head, palms facing each other. [A] Hop left on left leg, bringing right knee up to hip height, then [B] extend right leg forward as you reach left hand towards right toes. Bring left hand back to start as you hop right leg right. As you land, bring left knee up, then extend leg as you reach right hand towards left toes. Continue alternating for 1 minute.
SCALE DOWN Skip extending leg forward and just bring hand to knee.
Works shoulders, triceps, abs, obliques, butt legs

Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart and arms bent, hands in front of head, palms facing each other. Keeping knees slightly bent, hop (with both feet) left twice. [A] On second hop, bring bent arms out to right, then [B] rotate torso left, forcefully extending arms diagonally down outside left hip (as if slamming medicine ball on floor), and bending right knee behind you. Quickly bring right foot down, return arms to start position, and hop right twice. Repeat on opposite side. Continue alternating for 1 minute.
SCALE UP Do hops on one leg.
Works shoulders, back, chest abs butt legs

Stand with feet wide, elbows bent by sides, with hands in front of chest. [A] Lower into wide sumo squat (aim to bring hip crease to just below level of knees) to start and maintain position as you hop left and then back right to starting spot. [B] Quickly place palms on floor in front of you and jump feet back into plank. [C] Hop feet forward to outside of hands and immediately rise into sumo squat, hopping right and then back to starting spot. Continue for 1 minute.
SCALE DOWN Skip the plank.
SCALE UP Do a push-up from plank.
Works shoulders, abs, obliques, legs

Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart, arms by sides. [A] Lower into semi-squat as you bring both arms outside left hip, then [B] forcefully swing arms diagonally overhead towards right, jumping and doing 180-degree turn in midair to land in semi-squat facing opposite direction. As you land, swing arms down outside right hip. Continue alternating for 1 minute.
SCALE DOWN Rather than a 180-degree jump, do wood chops: Rise from squat and pivot towards opposite direction as you raise arms. Then return to squat.
Works shoulders, chest, back, arms, abs, obliques, butt, legs

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms by sides. Lunge forward with right leg, bending both knees 90 degrees, then [A] hinge forward from hips to place palms on floor in front of you. [B] Maintaining leg position, lift torso and rotate upper body right (over right leg) with hands clasped. Rotate back towards centre. Place palms on floor again, then simultaneously jump right leg back and left leg forward so left foot lands outside left hand. Repeat, this time turning torso left over left leg. Continue alternating for 1 minute.
SCALE DOWN Step feet to switch leg position rather than jump.
SCALE UP Do three switches of leg position between each twist.
Works shoulders, abs, obliques, butt

Lie face up on floor legs extended straight up and arms extended behhind head. [A] Crunch up and reach rightt and then left hand to opposite toess, rotating torso as you go, then returrn to centre. [B] Lower legs and arms (behind head), letting them hover several centimetres above floor. Lifft legs back up to 90 degrees and reppeat. Continue for 1 minute.
SCALE DOWN Keep knees bent 90 degrees, feet up, throughout.
Works shoulders, back, chest, arms, abs, butt, inner and outer thighs, calves

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Stand with feet wide and arms by siddes. [A] Crouch to place palms on fl oor between feet, then jump feet back innto plank. [B] Jump feet forward to outsidde hands, then [C] immediately jump up,, bending knees out to sides to bring heels towards each other. Swing arms out and overhead (as with jumping jackss). Land with knees soft in wide semi sqquat. Repeat. Continue for 1 minute.
SCALE DOWN Jump up without bringinng heels together.