ShapeStart with the warm-up, then do each exercise as indicated. Repeat the circuit 1 or 2 times. Aim to do this routine 3 times a week on alternate days.

Jaime’s Super -effective 12-minute Workout
ShapeSculpt your whole body and torch calories big time!

Crank Up Your Metabolism
ShapeFive moves, four sets. That’s all it takes to rev up your fat-burning engine and sculpt every muscle.

Make Burpees Your Workout Non-negotiable
ShapeIf I could do only one no-equipment exercise for the rest of my life, it would be the burpee (where you drop into a chest-to-floor push-up, then jump as high as you can).

Cardio King: The Burpee
ShapeThis one mighty move has been proven to out-burn and out-firm just about every other exercise. Use it to lose it fast with this fun new routine.

ShapeDo these moves in order for the number of reps indicated, resting for 30 seconds to one minute between moves. Repeat the circuit 2 more times. Do this routine 2 to 3 days a week on alternate days. Aim to increase the amount of weight you use after 2 to 3 weeks.

Power Couple
CLEOMeet Kayla Itsines and Tobi Pearce, the power couple who are revolutionising the fitness industry with a programme that’s about so much more than getting a bikini body in 12 weeks.

Tone and torch
ShapeMeet the gym ball that will give you a cardio-strength, power-packed workout.

Your Workout
ShapeWarm up for five to 10 minutes by doing dynamic stretches – lunges with rotation, plus arm and leg swings – to loosen and activate muscles. Then start a one-minute timer and do as many reps of the first move as you can in that time. Record your score when done (on paper or into your phone) and start the timer again for one minute of active recovery: Jog in place, jump rope, or ride a stationary bike. Repeat this process until you have completed all 10 moves. Finish with a five- to 10-minute cool-down of static stretching. Save your score and retest yourself with this same process one week later to see how much you’ve improved.