Sculpt your whole body and torch calories big time!

Sculpt your whole body and torch calories big time!

Whittle down your waistline. Tone your arms. Sculpt your legs. This circuittraining workout will help you achieve all that, as long as you do it regularly and go all-out.
Jaime has included her favourite (read: most hated) body-weight exercises, mostly in plank position because plank exercises are always tough, but so good for building strength all over, she says. In between, she recommends doing an explosive move to get your heart rate soaring.
The good news: This workout will be over in a flash. It takes just 12 minutes. You spend only one minute at each exercise, long enough to drain you without boring you.
When this no longer leaves you huffing (and swearing), you know you’re getting closer to your dream bod. That’s when you should swop the exercises for more challenging ones, says Jaime. (Head to for more killer exercises.)
The bottom line: To see results, ditch your comfort zone!
Do this circuit-training workout every other day (or every day if you can afford it!). Start with the heart-pumping cardio exercise X Jump, then alternate with a different body-weight exercise, doing 12 in all. For each, do as many reps as you can in 45 seconds, resting for 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.
An exercise mat and training shoes.

Stand with feet wide apart. Bending knees in a half squat, lean forward to touch right toe with left hand [a]. Immediately jump and switch sides, touching left toe with right hand [b].

Stand with feet hip-width apart. As if sitting on a chair, lower body as far as possible, keeping back straight and tailbone tucked. Knees should point straight and not go beyond toes [shown].

Get into plank position, feet shoulder-width apart and hands directly under shoulders to start [a]. Keep elbows soft and body in straight line. Engaging core, touch left shoulder with right hand [b]. Immediately return to starting position and switch sides, touching right shoulder with left hand.

Get into plank position and lower knees to floor, feet crossed to start [a]. Keeping back straight, bend elbows and lower body till it nearly touches mat [b].

Get into plank position, feet shoulder-width apart and hands directly under shoulders to start. Engaging core, bring right knee to outside of right elbow without shifting weight to left side [a]. Return to starting position and switch sides, bringing left knee to left elbow [b]. Keep body weight centred throughout.

Get into plank position, feet shoulder-width apart and hands directly under shoulders to start. Engaging core, bring right knee towards chest [a]. Switch sides, bringing left knee towards chest [b]. Keep body weight centred throughout.

Step right leg forward and bend both knees at about 90 degrees, lifting left heel off mat. Right knee should not go beyond toes [shown]. Switch sides to complete one rep. Maintain upright position throughout.