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After a long night, removing makeup may be the last thing you want to do when you’re finally home, but your face will definitely thank you for it in the long run. Here are four unbelievably scary things that can happen if you hit the sack with your foundation and eyeliner intact.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

After a long night, removing makeup may be the last thing you want to do when you’re finally home, but your face will definitely thank you for it in the long run. Here are four unbelievably scary things that can happen if you hit the sack with your foundation and eyeliner intact. 

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EYE IRRITATION Sleeping without cleansing off heavy makeup can harm your peepers. During sleep, we tend to move around and our faces may rub against the pillow. As a result, makeup has a high chance of getting into your eyes, which can lead to infections and styes. It can also cause dryness in the eye area, paving the way for fine lines to form. 

WRINKLES Yes, your skin will age way faster if you don’t remove your makeup. Sleeping with it can leave your skin more exposed to free radicals in the air. These pollutants can cause wrinkles and premature skin ageing by breaking down collagen in your skin. 

BREAKOUTS Snoozing with a full face of foundation and other makeup is a recipe for clogged pores. When this happens, you are at a higher risk of breaking out. This can also exacerbate acne problems since skin doesn’t get a chance to breathe and makeup particles can mix with your sebum, dirt and impurities overnight to produce lots of lovely zits by morning. 

BROKEN EYELASHES Your lashes have a higher tendency to break if you don’t remove mascara before bedtime. Leaving it on for too long can make them more brittle, and thus more vulnerable to breakage and dropping.

More: makeup