Feathers, fantastic headpieces and showstopping numbers – alongside The Great Moscow Circus. We end 2018 in Vegas style.
Feathers, fantastic headpieces and showstopping numbers – alongside The Great Moscow Circus. We end 2018 in Vegas style.
Silk and cotton dress with feathers and crystals, $8,940, Miu Miu. Headpiece, Moephosis Concepts. Gold-plated earrings with crystals, $279, Swarovski.
The team of Fast Track Acrobats has been with The Great Moscow Circus (TGMC) for 11½ years, and is led by Maxim Rubtsov, a third-gen circus performer. Its act: nonstop rolling, jumping, flipping and somersaulting through hoops.
Chiffon dress, ribboned choker, and metal necklace with crystals (prices unavailable), Mulberry. Atelier Swarovski by Anna Dello Russo palladiumplated tiara with crystals, $3,490, Swarovski.
Triacetateblend dress with silk cape (price unavailable), Max Mara. Headpiece, Moephosis Concepts.
Family ties: The Denys Magola Troupe, made up of a family of five (three brothers, a sister and their father), specialises in gymnastics on horizontal bars.
Cody Russell, an American, is one of five performers from Canada and the United States who make up The Catwall Trampoline. They scale, somersault and tumble off a glass structure.
Vasily Trifonov (far left), 40, Russian, had two choices after he graduated from secondary school: pursue a degree in medicine or join circus college. He chose the latter and has been with TGMC since 1997. Dmitry Shindrov (far right), 35, also Russian, is the master clown of the circus and one of the best in his country. Brocade corset and feathered skirt (prices unavailable), Dolce & Gabbana. Feathered shoulder piece, Moephosis Concepts. Goldplated earrings with crystals, $299, Swarovski.
Previously a college undergraduate at the Moscow Geological Research Institute, TGMC’s ringmaster, Stanislav Knyazkov, 42, dropped out halfway to attend the State Circus and Estrade Art College. Cotton dress with chiffon bustier (price unavailable), Christian Dior. Headpiece, Moephosis Concepts.
An act that’s exclusive to TGMC, the Double Giant Wheel is as difficult as it’s dangerous: One misstep and its performers plummet 12m.
Five Colombians – led by Douglas Gerling, 35 (a former member of the German army) – star in the Globe Of Death, racing simultaneously on motorbikes in an enclosed globe at 60kmh.
Velvet fascinator with feathers, $1,450, embellished crepe wool and silk dress, $12,150, and calf leather pumps, $1,220, Gucci.
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