To celebrate The Weekly’s birthday, we show you how to take a store-bought cake and turn it into a masterpiece.

To celebrate The Weekly’s birthday, we show you how to take a store-bought cake and turn it into a masterpiece

Prep 20 mins (plus chilling) / Serves 16
In a bowl, using an electric mixer, beat 250 g softened unsalted butter until as white as possible. Gradually sift in 1½ cups icing sugar mixture then add 2 tbsps milk. Sift in another 1½ cups icing sugar mixture, beating until well combined. Remove icing from 4 x 565 g storebought white chocolate mud cakes. Using a large serrated knife, trim tops off cakes to level. Stack together on a cake board, spreading a little buttercream between each layer. Spread tops and sides of cakes with buttercream. Chill 1 hour. In a heatproof bowl, combine 1 cup white chocolate melts and ¼ cup cream. Microwave on high (100 per cent) in 30-second bursts, stirring in between each, until smooth. Tint ganache pale pink with food colouring. Spoon around edge of cake, allowing drips to run down side of cake. Tint remaining buttercream pink. When ganache is firm, dollop pink buttercream over top of cake. Decorate with sliced and whole strawberries and raspberries, and dried rose petals.

Prep 20 mins (plus chilling) / Serves 16
In a bowl, using an electric mixer, beat 250 g softened unsalted butter until as white as possible. Gradually sift in 1½ cups icing sugar mixture, beating until well combined. Beat in 200 g dulce de leche (see tip). Remove icing from 4 x 565 g storebought caramel chocolate mud cakes. Using a large serrated knife, trim tops off cakes to level. Stack together on a cake board, spreading a little buttercream between each layer. Spread top and sides of cakes with buttercream. Decorate cake with Lolly Goble Bliss Bombs, Snickers and Mars bars (or any mini treats of your choice) and piped peanut butter.