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Your Workout

Warm up for five to 10 minutes by doing dynamic stretches – lunges with rotation, plus arm and leg swings – to loosen and activate muscles. Then start a one-minute timer and do as many reps of the first move as you can in that time. Record your score when done (on paper or into your phone) and start the timer again for one minute of active recovery: Jog in place, jump rope, or ride a stationary bike. Repeat this process until you have completed all 10 moves. Finish with a five- to 10-minute cool-down of static stretching. Save your score and retest yourself with this same process one week later to see how much you’ve improved.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Warm up for five to 10 minutes by doing dynamic stretches – lunges with rotation, plus arm and leg swings – to loosen and activate muscles. Then start a one-minute timer and do as many reps of the first move as you can in that time. Record your score when done (on paper or into your phone) and start the timer again for one minute of active recovery: Jog in place, jump rope, or ride a stationary bike. Repeat this process until you have completed all 10 moves. Finish with a five- to 10-minute cool-down of static stretching. Save your score and retest yourself with this same process one week later to see how much you’ve improved.

My Reading Room
You’ll need

A stopwatch or timekeeping app.

My Reading Room

Works shoulders, triceps, biceps, butt, quads and hamstrings

Stand with feet staggered, right foot forward, and hands in fists by chin. Squat to start [a]. Stand, then quick-snap a punch with right hand straight forward, rotating fist with palm down at shoulder height. Then quickly punch left hand across body, pivoting on left foot to turn hips forward slightly, rotating fist palm down at shoulder height of right arm [b]. That’s one rep. Return to start position and continue quickly for 30 seconds. Switch sides; repeat.

My Reading Room

Works abs, butt, quads, hamstrings and inner thighs

Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Jump, crossing right leg in front of left [a], landing in that position for brief second, then jump to uncross legs and squat on landing [b]. That’s one rep. Without pausing, switch sides; repeat. Continue quickly, alternating sides for one minute.

My Reading Room

Works shoulders, chest, triceps, abs, obliques and butt

Start on floor in plank on palms. Bend elbows back 45 degrees to lower body until chest grazes floor [a]. Then push up, rotating right into side plank on left palm, while extending right arm straight up from shoulder and stacking feet [b]. That’s one rep. Switch sides; repeat. Continue quickly, alternating sides for one minute.

My Reading Room

JUMP Works abs, butt, quads, hamstrings, outer thighs and inner thighs

Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Turn right and step right leg forward, pivoting on left foot, to come into long lunge with right knee bent and left leg straight – and left arm bent forward; right arm bent back [a]. Push off right foot to return to start position and quickly jump as high as you can, tucking knees into chest [b]. Land softly. That’s one rep. Switch sides; repeat. Continue quickly, alternating sides for one minute.

My Reading Room

Works abs, obliques, butt and quads

Stand with feet together, knees soft, hands in fists with elbows bent at sides to start. Explosively hop left as if you were jumping over a small object (you could place a water bottle or towel here to ensure you get some height) [shown], landing on balls of feet. That’s one rep. Switch sides; repeat. Continue quickly, alternating sides for one minute.

My Reading Room

Works shoulders, chest, abs and butt

Start on floor in plank on palms with feet together. Without moving upper body or raising hips, hop feet wide [shown]. Hop feet back to start position. That’s one rep. Continue quickly for one minute.

My Reading Room

Works abs, butt, quads and hamstrings

Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Step right leg back into reverse lunge, bending both legs at 90 degrees, with right arm bent forward and left bent back to start [a]. Push through left foot to stand on left leg, kicking right leg in front of you while driving left arm forward and right arm back [b]. That’s one rep. Return to start position and continue for 30 seconds. Switch sides; repeat.

My Reading Room
8 V-UP

Works abs

Lie face up on floor with legs long and arms extended overhead to start. Curl head, neck and shoulders up as you reach arms and legs up to meet while balancing on tail bone so body forms a V [shown]. Simultaneously lower arms and legs back to start position. That’s one rep. Continue quickly for one minute.

My Reading Room

Works abs, butt, quads and hamstrings

Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Squat and extend arms straight out at shoulder height [shown]. Record number of seconds you can hold position with excellent form (hip crease below parallel, knees pushed outward, chest lifted). Once you can go the full minute, do this with arms overhead for more of a challenge.

My Reading Room

Works shoulders, chest, abs, butt, quads, hamstrings and calves

Start on floor in plank on palms. Jump feet towards hands [shown]. Immediately jump feet back to start position. That’s one rep. Continue quickly for one minute.

“This workout is such a small portion of your day, you can afford to detach from your responsibilities and recharge,” Ian says.

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