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Start with the warm-up, then do each exercise as indicated. Repeat the circuit 1 or 2 times. Aim to do this routine 3 times a week on alternate days.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
My Reading Room
Start with the warm-up, then do each exercise as indicated. Repeat the circuit 1 or 2 times. Aim to do this routine 3 times a week on alternate days.


A jump rope


Jump rope for 5 minutes. Two rules: Mix it up and keep moving. Do single-unders, double-unders (if you’re advanced), single-leg jumps, lateral jumps – pretty much anything goes, as long as you’re moving consistently. (If something keeps tripping you up, ditch it.)

My Reading Room
Works abs, quads, calves Stand with feet hip-width apart and fingers resting lightly behind head with arms bent out to sides to start.
Squat until hip crease drops below knees, then walk forward (in the squat) for 30 steps [shown]. That’s 1 set. Do 2 to 3.
My Reading Room
My Reading Room
Works shoulders, triceps, biceps, abs Start on floor in plank on palms, with hands below chest and fingertips forming a diamond shape. Do 1 push-up [A].
Walk hands (keeping the diamond shape) back towards feet, around 12cm. Do 1 push-up. Continue walking hands back 12cm and doing a push-up [B] until body is in a downward dog position for one final push-up. So 3 or 4 push-ups equals 1 rep. Do 4 reps. That’s 1 set. Do 2 to 3.
My Reading Room
Works shoulders, chest, triceps, abs, butt, quads, calves Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Crouch, plant palms on floor [A], and jump feet back to plank. Lower chest and thighs to floor [B], then push up to plank and jump feet towards hands. Land in fighting stance with feet staggered – left foot forward and fists by chin. Immediately and forcefully quick-snap two punches with left hand forward, turning hips forward slightly and rotating fist, palm down [C]. Then forcefully punch right hand across body, pivoting on right foot to turn hips forward slightly, rotating fist, palm down. That’s 1 rep. Do 15. Switch sides and repeat. That’s 1 set. Do 2 to 3.
My Reading Room
Works abs, butt, quads, hamstrings Stand with feet hip-width apart and fingers resting lightly behind head, and elbows bent out to sides to start. Squat, shifting weight to balls of feet and leaning torso forward slightly to start [A]. Jump as far forward as you can, landing in start position [B]. That’s 1 rep. Do 20. That’s 1 set. Do 2 to 3.
My Reading Room
Works shoulders, chest, triceps, abs
Start on floor in plank on palms. Step left hand and right leg forward (left leg will bend out to side), and lower straight body to hover above floor [shown]. Push body up as you step right hand and left leg forward, lowering to hover above floor. Continue alternating sides, walking body forward for 20 steps. That’s 1 set. Do 2 to 3.
My Reading Room
Works abs, quads Lie face up on floor with arms long by sides and legs extended. Curl torso off floor, reaching arms long, and lift legs about 30cm above floor to start [A]. Sit up, balancing on tail bone, to tuck knees towards chest [B]. Slowly return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 20. That’s 1 set. Do 2 to 3.
My Reading Room
Works abs, obliques Lie face up on floor with arms long by sides and legs extended. Curl torso off floor, bend elbows out to sides so fingertips meet in front of chest. Lift legs around half a metre above floor to start. Rotate torso towards right [shown]. Rotate through start position to switch sides and repeat. That’s 1 rep. Do 25. That’s 1 set. Do 2 to 3.
My Reading Room
Works triceps, chest, abs, quads, calves Start on floor in plank on forearms [A]. Keeping hips square, shift weight out of right arm to lift forearm and plant right palm on floor [B]. Then press left palm into floor to come into a plank on palms [C]. Lower to right forearm, then left. Switch sides and repeat. That’s 1 rep. Do 15. That’s 1 set. Do 2 to 3.
My Reading Room
Works triceps, abs, butt, quads, calves Stand with feet hip-width apart and hands in fists by chin. Step left foot forward into a lunge (both legs bent to 90 degrees) as you forcefully quick-snap a punch with left hand forward, rotating fist with palm down [shown]. Switch sides and repeat. That’s 1 rep. Do 15. That’s 1 set. Do 2 to 3.
My Reading Room
Works abs, lower back Lie face down on floor with legs long, fingers behind head, and arms bent out to sides to start. Slowly raise torso and legs as high as you can, pausing at the top for 5 seconds [shown]. Return to start. That’s 1 rep. Do 10. That’s 1 set. Do 2 to 3.