New science behind high-intensity interval training keeps proving it’s one amazingly effective drill. Here’s exactly how to tap its potent benefits to transform your fitness.

New science behind high-intensity interval training keeps proving it’s one amazingly effective drill. Here’s exactly how to tap its potent benefits to transform your fitness.
if there’s ever been a workout that’s demonstrated to deliver fast, insane results, it’s high-intensity interval training like tabata (go all out for 20 seconds, rest for 10, repeat eight times total) and other as-many-reps- as-possible routines. and those benefits: increased cardio capacity, stronger muscles, lower blood pressure, and less body fat. the fitness gains are likely due to the heart’s enhanced pumping capacity, says martin gibala, the author of The One-Minute Workout. your heart has to not only gun it but also pump more blood per beat – a combo that makes it grow stronger, so you can go harder. as for the body-fat effect: it’s about more than just the calorie burn. high intensities also let loose a surge of fat- mobilising hormones, freeing body fat to be used as workout fuel. how much hiit does it take to level up and also change your body composition? according to a new review of 65 hiit studies in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, three times a week does it if you keep at it 12-plus weeks. start your hiit habit here. stick with the tabata session below from insanity creator shaun t, or mix it up with any of the great tips and videos we’ve rounded up for you.

1. Scissor-Stance Jack
Squat with feet wide, reaching right hand to left foot. Jump, crossing right foot in front of left and swinging bent arms by chest [shown]. Land in start with opposite arms. continue alternating quickly for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. Repeat once.

2. Oblique Knee Tap
Start on floor in side plank on right fore-arm with left elbow bent out to side, palm facing feet. Quickly alternate drawing left knee up to palm [shown] and then back to start for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. Switch sides; repeat.

3. Squat Lunge
Stand with feet at hip width, then squat, curling fists to chest to start. Jump into a reverse lunge with left leg back, both legs bent 90 degrees [shown]. Jump back to starting squat. Switch sides; repeat. Continue alternating as quickly as you can for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. Repeat once.

4. Switch Kick Punch
Lie face up with legs long and hands in fists at chest. Curl head and shoulders up and lift legs to hover above floor to start. Lift left leg straight up, punching right arm towards foot [shown]. Lower to start position. Switch sides; repeat. That’s 1 rep. Continue alternating sides as quickly as you can for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. Repeat once more. That’s your workout.

A heavy bag is a sweat fest waiting to happen: “Do three-minute all-out rounds, switching it up each minute between speed punches, power shots [full-force with mini pauses], and more controlled two- or three-punch combos,” says Milan Costich, the founder of Prevail Boxing studio in Los Angeles. Between rounds (do three total), take 30 seconds to bounce in your (fists up) boxing stance as you do slips and weaves. “When you pair a HIIT format with the intention behind boxing, you get a killer workout and a champion mind-set,” Milan says.