When it comes to breast cancer, the specialists at PanAsia Breast Clinic leave no room for guesswork

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

When it comes to breast cancer, the specialists at PanAsia Breast Clinic leave no room for guesswork

Even though breast cancer is the top cause of cancer deaths among women in Singapore, it is not all bad news. Any abnormalities, if detected early with self-exams or mammograms, are usually treatable.

The key to breast cancer prevention starts with self-awareness. As women, it is important to know our body because when it comes to cancer, the earlier you can spot any changes, the better your chances of stopping it from spreading.

A good place to start is learning about your family history. Women who have had relatives diagnosed with breast cancer are at a higher risk of contracting the condition themselves, so screening should start at a younger age.

While genetics is a good identifying tool for breast cancer risk, regular screenings should not be overlooked. Routine checks either through self-examination at home or at the doctor’s office are important for all women and should be done every one to three years from the age of 20 and increased to every year from the age of 40.

Knowing the normal look and feel of your breasts also plays a big part. Be aware of any physical changes like lumpy breasts, nipple discharge and dimpled or discoloured skin, and always tell your doctor.

Identifying what decreases the risk of contracting breast cancer can help too. Many women choose to incorporate lifestyle changes into their everyday routines to stave off the chance of illness.

Still confused? A consultation at PanAsia Breast Clinic, a specialist clinic under the multi-disciplinary The PanAsia Surgery Group, will take you seamlessly through every stage of your breast-related concerns and ailments.

Housing state-of-the-art diagnostic to treatment facilities under one roof – from breast screening facilities to skin-sparing mastectomy, which makes it easier for breast reconstruction and also leaves lesser scars, and radiology services, the clinic offers personalised and comprehensive care with a focus on minimally invasive treatment options. For inquiries, visit


My Reading Room

A mammogram is the most effective screening tool available for breast cancer detection. While the experience of getting one may leave many women feeling cold towards the examination, Dr Jendana Chanyaputhipong (inset) says it can detect early signs of cancer before it can be felt. She adds that even women who have no symptoms and no known risks for cancer should have regularly scheduled mammograms for detection of potential tumours.