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Following the Brangelina Brexit (#Bradxit!), we try and guess who the dreamboat actor should date, now that he’s single and ready to mingle.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Following the Brangelina Brexit (#Bradxit!), we try and guess who the dreamboat actor should date, now that he’s single and ready to mingle.

My Reading Room
My Reading Room

1 Diane Kruger Brad and Diane starred in Inglourious Basterds together and couldn’t stop gushing about each other to the press. We hope they kept in touch just in case they feel like reenacting any of their sexy scenes.

2 Gwyneth Paltrow Will this be the year that these two rekindle their romance? The stars dated in 1994 when they were both in their early 20s but it didn’t work out. Gwyn did say he was “the one that got away” though!

3 Taylor Swift Taylor has already made her feelings for the actor well known when she penned the track, “Till Brad Pitt Comes Along”. After her high-profile splits last year, Brad is the perfect shoulder to cry on.

4 Sandra Bullock Sandra hasn’t been very lucky when it comes to finding love, but perhaps Brad may just be the one to turn the tide around. Here’s hoping mutual friend George Clooney will introduce the pair.

5 Jennifer Lawrence The Hunger Games actress has previously said that she thinks the actor smells amazing. What we want to know is how she got close enough to catch a whiff?

More: actor