Got a relationship problem?

Got a relationship problem? JASON GODFREY, our man about town, is here to help.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

I really dislike my boyfriend’s group of guy friends, but he always invites me to hang out with them. I’ve not told him the truth about how I feel, but should I? Or how can I tell him – without hurting his feelings – that I just don’t want to spend time with his friends?

It’s awesome that your guy always invites you out with his friends, but when you’re not one of the guys, it isn’t too much fun. No need for any drama – just let him know that while you appreciate the invites, you’re happy letting him be one of the boys without you. 

I’ve been seeing this guy for almost two years and he recently got posted overseas for work. A long-distance relationship is really hard, and although we’ve never talked about marriage, I don’t want to give this up because I’ve invested so much into it. What should I do?

Communication works best when you actually talk, which you don’t seem to have done. Ask him about his long-term plans. Congrats to him on the posting, but you matter too, and you deserve to have that talk with him. If you don’t see things being viable long-term, no matter how much time and emotion you’ve invested, you may have to let it go – before you double down on an investment that’s going nowhere.

I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 10 years and really want us to get married. But he only wants to if I’m willing to have kids. Right now, I don’t see that in the picture for me, but I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. Should I let him go?

It’s all in the wording. “Right now” just means currently. So you currently don’t want kids, and that’s fine – not everyone is ready for kids at all stages in their lives. But you do need to ask yourself if “right now” means forever. If it doesn’t and you can picture having kids at a time that isn’t right now, then there’s no reason to let the love of your life leave you, right now.

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