Optimise your shower regime for healthier skin and a more enjoyable experience.

Whether you think of showers as luxurious me-time or just a functional part of your personal hygiene routine, there’s no denying that we spend a lot of time in the shower. Even if you only take 10 minutes to lather up daily, that’s the equivalent of over 60 hours spent on showering in a year! Turn your daily shower time into a more effective and relaxing ritual by following these easy tips.
There’s nothing quite as comforting as taking a nice, long shower after a stressful day, but limit that to 15 minutes per session for the sake of your skin. Spending prolonged time under the water can actually strip away your skin’s natural moisture barrier, causing it to become dry and itchy. Your skin is already exposed to many factors that can dehydrate it on a daily basis - air conditioning at work or during commutes, high UV exposure, and environmental pollution - so treat it right during your daily shower!
Want soft, supple skin? Make sure that exfoliation is a part of your shower routine. Exfoliation helps to remove the buildup of dead skin cells that have accumulated on the surface of your skin. This also prevents pores from getting clogged, reducing your chances of body acne. Exfoliate once or twice a week when you’re showering, with either a body scrub, loofah, or washcloth. Just remember to be gentle and pay extra attention to your elbows and feet as these areas tend to be rougher. If you use a loofah, make sure it dries totally in between uses, to curb bacteria growth. Replace it once a month for the same reason.
Introduce natural, relaxing scents to your bathroom by sprucing up the place with plants. Putting eucalyptus or lavender sprigs in your bathroom helps to instantly freshen up the area and give it a more spa-like atmosphere. The warmth and humidity also help the plants release essential oils, so that you can enjoy a relaxing aromatherapy session whenever you shower.
Not all shower foams are made equal. Get the most out of your showers by choosing a body wash that is gentle and moisturising, especially since you’ll be using it on a daily basis. For a pampering and rejuvenating shower experience, check out EVERSOFT Beauty shower foams that are formulated with nourishing plant-based ingredients like avocado, aloe vera, lavender, yuzu, and sakura leaf extracts to provide a host of skincare benefits. Established in 1985, EVERSOFT is known for creating innovative shower products with unique, natural ingredients.

We love their two new variants: The first is the EVERSOFT Beauty Shower Foam - Korean Golden Melon that contains extracts from Korean golden melons that boast firming and smoothing properties. The sweet, refreshing scent will also perk you up and put you in a good mood after your shower.
Prefer something more unconventional? Try the EVERSOFT Beauty Shower Foam - Lucky Clover & Red Clover Flower. Lucky clovers represent hope, faith, love, and luck, so you’ll be sure to experience good vibes only whenever you use this shower foam! Get both variants of EVERSOFT Beauty Shower Foams ($6.50 for 800ml pump pack, $3.95 for 600ml refill pack) at leading hypermarkets, supermarkets, and online retailers (Lazada, Shopee and Qoo10). The Korean Golden Melon variant will be available in November.