What revives Laurie Mias, founder and CEO of REVIVO Wellness Resorts on holiday

LM: Balanced –– half casual, half business. Half black, half colourful.
LM: Casual clothes and accessories. My essentials are a hairband, big sunglasses and a maxi linen dress.
LM: Headband, aromatherapy oils and swimwear (for trying all the spas!)
LM: Anything bright and floral from the 1970s and 1980s.
LM: Jo Malone Orange Blossom Cologne.
LM: Paris with family.
LM: Amanwella with my son and fiancé. I was working and would meet them at the restaurant on the beach in the evening, my ‘reward’ of the day. The staff are genuine and thoughtful. It’s also where Sofyan Hadi, the resident manager of REVIVO Bali, spent more than 10 years. I recognised his influence there, and it just felt like home.
LM: Eat light in the evening.
LM: Baked fish at Es Xarcu in Ibiza.
LM: The Ayurvedic Shirodhara treatment at Shibui Spa at the Greenwich Hotel in NYC.
LM: My yoga mat.

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Laurie Mias; happy memories of Amawella in Sri Lanka; 70s-inspired flower power