To celebrate Mother’s Day, members of The Weekly team share their thoughts on their mothers and on motherhood. Plus we’ve got beautiful, meaningful gifts to show her just what she means to you.

To celebrate Mother’s Day, members of The Weekly team share their thoughts on their mothers and on motherhood. Plus we’ve got beautiful, meaningful gifts to show her just what she means to you.

"As a mother, I’ve learnt what unconditional love means. I can never stay angry with my son for too long; and there are always moments when my heart melts when I see him even though he is a teenager now. Through my son, I am more forgiving and take his failures and setbacks as signs of a work in progress. I know these difficulties are necessary in strengthening him. Motherhood has taught me that the best gift can be a simple act of just being there or simple words of encouragement. I want my son to know that my love for him is infinite." – Christina Lim, Senior Designer

"My mother has always been a firm believer in staying true to yourself and being sincere in everything you do. She has also taught me that having the right attitude and working hard pay off when we’re faced with difficult tasks. She’s a big foodie and I have definitely inherited that trait – we are very close and often enjoy delicious meals together!" – Atika Lim, Digital Writer

"My mother has taught me to always pursue what I love. She puts her love and energy into everything that she does, from making clothes for her customers to cooking a simple meal at home. My mum loves her clothes and jewellery and usually prefers wearing gold pieces. I, too, take after her love for fashion. I want to say thank you to this wonderful woman this Mother’s Day."– Sean Tan, Sub-Editor

"A lifelong mentor, closest friend, constant supporter and ‘partner in crime’, that’s what my mother means to me. We are always connected and in sync even when we are not together. She believes in giving me freedom to do what makes me happy and for that I’m grateful. I admire her ability to take things easy even when the going gets tough. I love that she’s such a free spirit!"– Xu Mei Yan, Designer

"I learnt from my mum that becoming a mother takes a lot of love and patience. And now, as a mother myself, I realise that it’s a role with a responsibility that never quite ends, no matter how old your child gets. Our children teach us many lessons, and from my son, I have learnt to be more patient. As my only son, he holds an extra-special place in my heart." – Ivy Choong, Senior Art Director

"My mother means the world to me. She has taught me to have courage and faith, against the odds. It hasn’t been easy taking care of all four of us, but she has always said she wouldn’t have it any other way. For that I cherish her as my closest kin and will always see her as an inspiration. I am ever- thankful for the sacrifices she has made for us." – Janice Sim, Editorial Assistant

"To me, my mum is the exemplary standard for what a woman ought to be. She taught me from a very early age that a woman is the pillar of every family, through the good and bad times. Through her, I have learnt that family is eternal and will always come first. Being a mum means sacrificing your own interests for the love of your family. I want to thank her for everything that she has done and that in my eyes, she’s the best mum in the whole universe." – Sylvia Ong, Features Writer