White spell

How to wear white now – head-to-toe, oversized and romantic, or sleek and fuss-free.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

How to wear white now – head-to-toe, oversized and romantic, or sleek and fuss-free.

My Reading Room

Linen-blend oversized blouse with bib detail from Joseph. Silk chiffon peasant skirt from Valentino.

My Reading Room

Cotton peasant blouse from Chloe. Silk-blend skirt from Dior. Michael Michael Kors leather sandals from Michael Kors. Nylon tights and nylon fishnet tights, stylist’s own.

My Reading Room

Polyester-blend satin bias-cut dress from DKNY. Patent leather cross-body bag from Lanvin. Cotton socks and leather sneakers, stylist’s own.

My Reading Room

Cotton blouse from Burberry. Silk chiffon peasant skirt from Valentino. Leather sneakers, stylist’s own.

My Reading Room

Michael Michael Kors cotton-blend eyelet lace dress and sandals from Michael Kors. Nylon tights and nylon fishnet tights, Stylist’s own.

My Reading Room

Cotton-blend knit top and matching joggers from 3.1 Phillip Lim. Silk tulle skirt with tufted velvet from Carven. Michael Michael Kors leather sandals from Michael Kors.

My Reading Room

Viscose jersey dress, Speedy D brass ring, Noe Plat PM calf leather bag and Bahia Brazil calf leather sandals.