Prep 45 mins / Cook 15 mins / Serves 12.

Prep 45 mins / Cook 15 mins / Serves 12.

1 x basic butter cake mixture (see recipe) ,
White ready-to-roll icing Red, blue, green and yellow food colouring
1 quantity basic buttercream (see recipe)
1. Preheat oven to moderate, 180 C. Line a 12-hole cupcake tray with paper cases. 150 The Singapore Women’s Weekly | june 2016
2. Prepare basic butter cake mixture. Divide evenly between cases. Bake 12-15 mins until cooked when tested. Transfer to wire rack to cool completely.
3. Knead icing on a cornflour-dusted surface until smooth. Divide into four portions. Tint each portion. Roll out each portion to 1 cm thick. Cut 12 bricks (1 x 2 cm) and pat with fingertips to soften sharp edges. Roll out small pieces of each coloured icing into balls and attach to tops of bricks with a little buttercream. Set aside 1 hour until firm.
4. Divide buttercream into four bowls. Add food colouring to each bowl. Spread three cupcakes with each colour. Arrange bricks on tops of cakes, cutting some bricks in half as shown.