Think beyond the standard sweet potato and try some of these varieties for their bold hues and delicious flavours. Here’s a sampling of the tastes that await you.

Think beyond the standard sweet potato and try some of these varieties for their bold hues and delicious flavours. Here’s a sampling of the tastes that await you.

Slice open the Stokes variety – red-purple on the outside – to reveal a purple centre that becomes even deeper when cooked. Just picture the splash it would make as a mash.
Jewels and Garnets may seem alike in shape and shade (and antioxidant content), but that’s where the similarities end. For a nuttier, butternut squashlike flavour that’s very sweet, go for the Garnet with its slightly darker skin, suggests Chris Romano, a global produce coordinator for Whole Foods Market in the US. For a buttery bite, choose the Jewel, which has pumpkin-coloured flesh.
The Hannah (light brown skin) and Japanese (red) types are white inside with a dry texture but a sweet taste. Try them in a hash or as oven-baked fries, says Chris.