These rich vegan recipes from chef Diana Stobo, author of Get Naked Fast! A Guide to Stripping Away the Foods That Weigh You Down, provide the perfect balance of hunger-busting protein and energising carbs. Bring them to work with crudites or wholegrain crackers for a lunch that will power up your entire afternoon.

TIP! Add a scoop of dip to your salad, or spread it on a sandwich or a wrap.
These rich vegan recipes from chef Diana Stobo, author of Get Naked Fast! A Guide to Stripping Away the Foods That Weigh You Down, provide the perfect balance of hunger-busting protein and energising carbs. Bring them to work with crudites or wholegrain crackers for a lunch that will power up your entire afternoon.
1 can chickpeas (425g), rinsed and drained , ¼ cup tahini , ¼ cup fresh lemon juice , 1 tbsp olive oil , 1 1cm piece ginger, chopped , 1 garlic clove, chopped ,½ tsp turmeric ,1 tsp sea salt , ⅛ tsp cayenne.
Add all ingredients to food processor and process until smooth. (Makes four 204-calorie servings.)
2 cups cashews, soaked in water for two hours and drained , ¾ cup salsa , ½ cup fresh lemon juice , ¼ cup water , 1½ tsp sea salt , ¼ cup nutritional yeast.
Add all ingredients to food processor or high-speed blender. Process until smooth, scraping down sides with spatula or adding water as needed. (Makes four 425-calorie servings.)
2 cups diced zucchini , ¾ cup tahini ,½ cup fresh lemon juice , ½ cup cashews, soaked in water for 30 minutes and drained, or raw cashew butter , 1 garlic clove, chopped , 1½ tsp sea salt , 2 tsp cumin.
Add all ingredients to food processor fitted with S-blade and process until smooth. (Makes four 386-calorie servings.)
1 beet, peeled and cut into 1cm slices, 3 garlic cloves, chopped , 1 sprig thyme , 1 can cannellini beans (425g), rinsed and drained , ¼ cup olive oil , 1½ tsp fresh lemon juice, 1 tsp sea salt.
Place beet, garlic and thyme on aluminium foil. Fold foil into packet, leaving space around beet for air to circulate. Bake in 205 deg C oven for 30 minutes or until tender and cool. Add contents of packet and remaining ingredients to food processor and process until smooth. (Makes four 215-calorie servings.)