ShapeStay strong with healthy, vibrant taste sensations that will help you restore and reenergise.

No cooking, no stressing, pure joy
Shape’Tis the season for casual get-togethers, communal dining, and never turning on the oven! In other words, exactly the kind of dinner you want right now.

Go with the grain
ShapeWhole grains are one of the healthiest and best-tasting foods around. These six hearty dinners – soup, salad, even burgers – are proof positive.

What’s for tea, mum?
Young ParentsDon’t fret if you’ve run out of ideas for the kids’ mid-afternoon snack. Fill their tummies with these delicious treats.

Turn Down The Heat
Asia SpaPlenty of vegetables, oranges and chickpeas to boost calcium ensure good bone health

Take a dip
ShapeThese rich vegan recipes from chef Diana Stobo, author of Get Naked Fast! A Guide to Stripping Away the Foods That Weigh You Down, provide the perfect balance of hunger-busting protein and energising carbs. Bring them to work with crudites or wholegrain crackers for a lunch that will power up your entire afternoon.