It’s a dip with endless potential, so go rogue with these surprising combos from food blogger Jeanine Donofrio, the author of The Love & Lemons Cookbook: An Apple-toZucchini Celebration of Impromptu Cooking.

It’s a dip with endless potential, so go rogue with these surprising combos from food blogger Jeanine Donofrio, the author of The Love & Lemons Cookbook: An Apple-toZucchini Celebration of Impromptu Cooking.

It’s a dip with endless potential, so go rogue with these surprising combos from food blogger Jeanine Donofrio, the author of The Love & Lemons Cookbook: An Apple-toZucchini Celebration of Impromptu Cooking. Start with three avocados, the juice of one lime, and coarse sea salt to taste, then mix in one of these nutritious combos:
½ cup small watermelon cubes; ¼ cup crumbled feta; 1 jalapeno, diced.
½ cup strawberries, diced; ¼ cup basil, chopped; ¼ cup Mexican cheese, crumbled hard.
Roasted Poblano
1 mild chilli pepper, roasted and diced; ⅓ cup corn kernels, raw or grilled; ¼ cup cilantro, chopped.
Cool Sips
Besides quenching thirst, these beverages are tasty and good for you.

Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea + Luo Han Guo (price unavailable, major supermarkets) is a great complement to spicy or fried food, as luo han guo is known for its ability to reduce heatiness in the body, as well as relieve coughs and sore throats.

Fruit Tree Fresh No Sugar Added Apple, Beetroot & Carrot Mixed Juice Drink ($1.05 for 250ml bottle) is rich in vitamins A, B and C, which are responsible for keeping your skin, eyes and immune system healthy.

Yeo’s Oceanic Lime Drink ($1.60 for 500ml bottle, major supermarkets) contains real lime juice and Australian sea salt, which helps to replenish essential electrolytes that are lost through sweating.

Made from pure cow’s milk in France, Regilait Calcium Plus Non Fat Skimmed Milk Powder ($22, selected Fairprice Finest and Cold Storage outlets) is free of additives and high in calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and protein.
"39% How much more calories you will consume dining in a dimly lit room as opposed to a bright one. Researchers from the University of South Florida say that’s primarily because you are less alert, and are more likely to make unhealthy food choices."
Source: journal of marketing research