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Life made easy

Everything you need to manage your work, sex life, relationships, health and more

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Everything you need to manage your work, sex life, relationships, health and more

Text Kayce Teo Photography Frenchescar Lim Art Direction Ann Neo Styling Karin Tan Hair & Makeup Antonio Cheng (9363-5145) Location Luxe Sydney, #01-04 The Working Capitol Building, 1 Keong Saik Road (6221-5615)
Text Kayce Teo Photography Frenchescar Lim Art Direction Ann Neo Styling Karin Tan Hair & Makeup Antonio Cheng (9363-5145) Location Luxe Sydney, #01-04 The Working Capitol Building, 1 Keong Saik Road (6221-5615)

Ellie Kim - Author of why I ditched my chanel 
Pay your future self first “Before engaging in any type of investment, you should have emergency funds to cover at least six months of your expenses, and also have your insurance sorted out.

“This is to prevent you from having to cash out on your investments at a loss should you need the money.

“Make this fund untouchable by opening a bank account without an ATM card, cheque or Internet banking services so you won’t be tempted to dip into it.”

Understand your mindset
“I studied law in university because I didn’t know what I wanted in life. It was time and effort wasted as I never pursued a law career.

“In the same way, before you make any investments, you should understand your own mindset first. For example, what level of risk are you willing to undertake and what type of returns are you are looking at?”

Focus attention on yourself
“I find it strange how we are so interested in what others are doing, yet don’t pay the same amount of attention to ourselves.

“Be more attuned to your own needs and wants, and the reasons behind them. This will help you take ownership of your decisions, instead of blaming others for a wrong choice or misjudgement.”

My Reading Room

In her book, Ellie lists the steps for developing a healthy relationship with money. Here are three of them:
Develop an attitude of richness. Instead of saying “I cannot afford it”, empower yourself by saying “I choose not to buy it.

Money is not “bad”. It is a neutral entity. What you do with it is what counts.

Don’t feel guilty about having too much or little money. You don’t always have to take into account how people feel about your financial status or beliefs.

More: money