Harder, Faster, Stronger

You'll feel the burn during this interval training workout - but it's worth all the pain

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

You'll feel the burn during this interval training workout - but it's worth all the pain

Now that the festive feasting is done and dusted, we get that you'll want to burn it off as quickly as you ate it. Personal trainer Cheryl Loh from TripleFit at Millenia Walk has designed an interval training workout for you to clock in a speedy sweat session.

So what's the big deal about interval training? You get more bang for your buck - which is always a good thing. If you push yourself to your limit and squeeze in as many reps as you can, 20 minute of interval trainings three times a week reaps more results than five 50-minute regular cardio sessions. Basically, instead of looking at how long you're working out, you should be looking at how hard you're working your body. The intense effort you put in during an interval workout makes your body work harder for recovery - this mean you burn more calories in the 24 hours after your sesh.

The Plan
This workout consists of 8 exercises that covers all the different body parts. The aim is to complete as many reps as possible on a 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest routine. Complete 2 sets. During your rest intervals, make sure you take slow, deep recovery breaths before the next exercise.

Total Time: 17 minutes

You'll need:
+ An exercise mat.
+ A skipping rope.

1 Jumping Jacks
Gets your heart rate up and body warmed up

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[A] Start with feet together, hands by your side.

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[B] Jump to open your legs and arms, with the arms overhead and feet wider than shoulder width. Jump to close.

2 Squat Jacks
Works legs

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[A] Start with feet together, hands clasped at the chest.

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[B] Jump to open your legs to the side, sinking into a squat position with hands still clasped. Jump to close and land with your feet together.

3 Mountain Climbers 
Works stomach and arms

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[A] Begin in a full plank position, hands pushing against the ground, shoulders directly above hands, feet together, and stomach tucked in.

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[B] Drive your right knee towards right elbow, and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Works legs  
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[A] Hold the ends of the jump rope with your hands in front of you. Your feet are together, and the rope comes behind you.
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 [B] As you jump, turn the rope over the top of your head and under your feet. Repeat. Aim to jump with no mistakes for the duration of 40 seconds. 
Sports bra, tights and shoes, from Nike. 


Works arms (batwings) and stomach  
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[A] Begin in a full plank position. 
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[B] While squeezing those abs, walk your arms down one at a time into an elbow plank position. 
Walk back up onto your hands into full plank. Ensure that your body is kept in a straight line.   

6 Superman flutters
Works posterior chain muscles (such as the back, glutes, external obliques and hamstrings)

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[A] Start by lying face down on your stomach, with arms fully extended.

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[B] While keeping full extension of the lims, perform small flutter motions without your hands or feet touching the ground.

Works stomach and obliques 
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[A] Begin in a full plank position with your feet shoulder width apart.
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 [B] Lift one hand off  the ground, turn towards the side and reach hand towards the ceiling, still keeping your hips up. 
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[C] Return to starting position, and repeat on the other side. Focus on keeping your balance as you do the rotations. 
Full body burn!
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[A] Start in a standing position with feet together. 
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 [B] Place hands down on the ground.
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[C] Jump both feet out into a full plank position. Jump both feet back towards your hands, and return to the starting position. 


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[A] Start in a standing position with feet together. 

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[B] Place hands on the ground.

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[C] Jump both feet out and bring chest towards the ground into a push up position. 
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[D] Push off  the ground into full plank. 

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[E] Jump both feet back in towards your hands, and perform a straight jump as you stand up.