Clean and clear

Great skin guaranteed with these simple steps.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Great skin guaranteed with these simple steps.

My Reading Room

Nailing a flawless complexion is actually easier – and less expensive – than you might think. Honestly, all you need are a few basic rules to ensure your skin is glowing and you’re not looking old before your time. You don’t have to splash out on elixirs containing gold and silver, or subject your skin to aggressively harsh peels that’ll leave it looking raw for weeks. Just heed these tried- and-tested tips. They may seem basic, but it’s good to remind yourself of what your body, skin and mind need to stay in tip-top condition. 


Regularly exposing your skin to the sun could lead to dull, blotchy skin as well as wrinkles and spots. You shouldn’t protect your skin from the sun only when you’re cavorting in a bikini. Your skin is exposed to the elements when you’re just walking from the train station to your office building or while running errands outdoors, and even through the office windows. Daily incidental exposure to the sun over many years leads to the visible signs of ageing, such as fine lines and dark spots. 

This rule is even more relevant in a country like Singapore, where the sun is almost always shining. Use sunscreen all day and reapply it every few hours if you’re outdoors a lot. For best results, get one with at least SPF30 that also protects your skin against both UVA and UVB rays. Your makeup should be SPF15 at least for extra benefits. 


This leads to brighter skin and is hugely beneficial, especially as we get older and skin sheds less of the dead cells that make it look dull and dreary. And there’s no need to even spend much time on this – just scrub your face with an exfoliator twice a week and you’re sorted. To save more time, do it while you’re in the shower. 


A lack of moisture can lead to less radiant and even flaky and irritated skin. Don’t drink only when you’re thirsty as that means your body is already dehydrated. Knocking back between two to two and a half litres a day is recommended. Drinking water also reduces skin puffiness so go forth and drink! 


Your hands have a fair amount of bacteria and touching your face constantly will spread these nasty creatures and lead to breakouts and wrinkles in the long run. If you need to touch your face, wash your hands before doing so. And never pick your pimples or blackheads – it’ll only make them worse. 


You don’t need to have dry skin to use a facial mist. This product replenishes and protects your skin from the elements, as well as soothes it. Most of us in Singapore spend a lot of time in an air-conditioned environment, which can dry our skin, so this is a quick way to look after your face. But too much of it will dry your skin even more, so just a couple of times a day is enough. If possible, get one with extra moisturising features. 


There’s no point piling on tons of skincare products and then nding that they’re not really working for you. Once you know your skin type, you can buy products most suitable for you. And when you see that they address your needs or simply don’t have any adverse effects, you’ll feel less frustrated about spending time on a skincare routine and perhaps even look forward to it. You’ll also feel less inundated when you have the exact number of products your skin needs. Visit a dermatologist or pop by the beauty aisle in a department store, and get some advice from the experts. 


What you put into your body has a tremendous effect on how your skin looks. So maintain a healthy diet and your skin will thank you for it. Keep it looking healthy by stocking up on anti- inflammatory foods and those with a lot of antioxidants. Foods that are very good for your skin include blueberries, green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, kale), salmon, avocados and olive oil. 


It’s hard to even think of your skincare routine when all that’s in front of you is a mass – and mess – of products. Stick with a few simple products so you won’t feel overwhelmed. Then make sure they are neatly organised so you know exactly where to find them and it’ll look like a quick task that even the busiest career woman can find the time to tackle. 


One of the easiest ways to ensure glowing skin is to get a good night’s sleep. Yes, it definitely sounds easier said than done but the wonders that restful sleep does for your complexion should convince you that it’s what your skin (and body) needs. Aim for at least seven to eight hours of uninterrupted shut- eye each night. 


We get that all you feel like doing at night is hitting the sack for some much-needed sleep. But spending just a few minutes on your skin will reap amazing rewards. Firstly, never go to sleep with your makeup on. And give yourself, say, five minutes every night to cleanse and moisturise – it’s quick, easy and will make you look fresher in the morning. If you can’t even afford that time, keep a pack of cleansing wipes by your bedside so you can at least wipe off your makeup. It’s not ideal but it’s better than doing nothing. 


We women are great at multitasking, so why not use makeup that does the same? Look for products that have more than one function, such as a tinted moisturiser or a mascara that lengthens, so you won’t have to spend so much time using various products on your face. That’s less time needed for your makeup routine, which is extremely helpful as every minute counts when you’re a busy woman. 

One of the easiest ways to ensure glowing skin is to get a good night’s sleep.