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For Change

Go-getter, trend-setter... Cosmo and SKII invite you to start your own #changedestiny journey.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
My Reading Room

Go-getter, trend-setter... Cosmo and SKII invite you to start your own #changedestiny journey.

From the moment we are born, we have expectations placed upon us. Whether it’s societal pressures, prejudices or even family obligations, it can be tough to grow as an individual and break out from the mould others try to fit us into. That’s why Cosmo has teamed up with SKII to invite you on a personal journey to #changedestiny. Join us as we discover the secret to taking charge of your skin and your life. Fun, fearless, fabulous— here we come!

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Rachel Lim and Viola Tan

Founders of Love, Bonito
It’s never easy starting your own business and no one knows it better than the women behind stellar online clothing store Love, Bonito. Founders Rachel Lim, 28, and Viola Tan, 31, along with Viola’s younger sister Velda, first got their business feet wet via a blogshop called Bonito Chico, where they sold designs sourced from overseas.

In 2010, they launched Lovebonito. com, a one-stop e-store which stocks affordably priced basics, office wear and accessories designed by the founders. Having celebrated their 5th anniversary recently, Rachel says, “It’s been such an adventure, to say the least!”

She shares, “There are tough moments but one thing we strive to do is constantly ensure that we’re engaged with our customers. The core of our business is the rapport and relationship we’ve built over the years. We want Love, Bonito to be a place where women come together to share and be inspired.”

Being an entrepreneur may be tricky, but it has certainly paid off. “Overcoming challenges has made me a stronger person,” Rachel continues. “Often, we may feel there’s a set framework for success, for example, being born into a rich family or marrying into money. But I’ve learnt that we’re all unique; we have different strengths and paths to success. All it takes for us is to accept who we are, and harness what we are blessed with.”

She says, “Soak in and enjoy every opportunity and experience, however small it may seem. You will always learn something. I always hold on to the quote by Mark Twain, “Twenty years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, than by the things you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Explore. Dream. Discover’.”

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Krystal Choo

CEO & Founder of Wander

What happens when your first attempt at doing what you love fails? For techpreneur Krystal Choo, 27, the outcome was tough. “I had a vision of helping people travel more, which was why I started ZipTrip in 2013. It was an app that calculated the best time to travel in terms of price. Sadly, there’s a lot of opacity in the e-commerce travel industry, and perhaps due to inexperience and the environment I was in, things were a struggle. After banging my head on the wall for almost two years over the business, I finally pivoted to Wander.”

“Wander is a travel app for singles— and it’s worked out brilliantly. Being so much more relatable, people get it and it’s taken off. I think I’m deeply romantic—all entrepreneurs are because we believe in ideas that don’t yet exist!”

“For me, Change Destiny is about choice. It’s making that decision, no matter how hard it is. Always try your hardest; I strongly believe that being your best self is the greatest gift to the world. Sometimes—and I know a lot of women will resonate with this—there’s a small little voice that says with hope, ‘Yes, you can get through it’, and you’ve got to listen to that voice.

” As someone who has struggled with depression in the past, she understands the desperation you can feel at low points. “When I look back at my younger days, I’m sympathetic, empathetic towards my younger self. But it’s also through dark episodes that you can draw strength. When you compare a problem at work with the experience of wanting to step off a ledge—everything is diminished in comparison. You’re often stronger than you think.”


Our Cosmo readers share the different journies they’ve embarked on to #changedestiny.

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“I hold a stable job in the audit industry but it’s been my dream to start a company. I took the plunge recently and am setting up a craft business. I hope all goes well! If not, I’m loving the challenge of trying.” – Nie Yile

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“I love making films. Despite the odds, I’ve travelled to places like East Timor and India to interview people and produce my own documentaries. It’s important to take charge of what you want in life. Don’t be discouraged by people who tell you that you’re doing the impossible.” – Tina Loh

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“It wasn’t until my junior college days that I had the opportunity to join the track team. Initially, I faced plenty of challenges and even injured myself while training. After I got back from a three-month MC, I was relentless with my training and eventually won the 800m race. This has made me believe that we have to take our own paths to reach where we want to be. Never give up!” – Lee Si Hui

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“I used to be bullied and battled with low self-esteem. What really turned my life around was the stage. After undergoing formal theatre training, I’ve been a much more confident person and performer. When I started to trust myself, I had the faith to carry on.” – Suharti Suhaimi

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“I’ve been very anxious and stressed out because of work and personal problems recently. But as a nurse, spending time with my cancer patients has really put things into perspective. Each day doesn’t have to be a struggle if we concentrate on the opportunities and blessings that come to us.” – Mirzi Sarte


To discover more about perceptions, we asked Singaporean women what they thought about beauty, life and destiny.

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“My combination skin is occasionally sensitive because I’m a very outdoorsy person and am constantly exposed to the sun (my freckles are testament to that!). This means I’m particular when it comes to selecting my skincare, and I’m always on the lookout for products that help promote a radiant, fairer and hydrated complexion. After trying the R.N.A range, my skin saw an overall improvement. Besides feeling firmer and less oily, I loved that my BB cream stayed on throughout the day and didn’t ‘run’ like it usually does.” – MICHELLE LIM

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“I have acne-prone skin and have also noticed darkening eye circles and visible pores around my cheeks. After using the R.N.A Power duo for seven days—and with no prior experience using any SK-II products—my skin felt much smoother, softer and supple. Though there was a very slight stinging sensation on my sensitive eyelids at first, this quickly disappeared. I also loved how the dropper of the R.N.A Power Essence made every drop worth its while. Perhaps the R.N.A Power can come packaged in a similar fashion too?” – VANESSA QUEK

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“My skin swings between dry and oily, and I’ve also experienced outbreaks on my chin and forehead due to combination skin. I was thrilled to experience the new R.N.A range because I’ve been a loyal SK-II fan for years. Just like the classic Facial Treatment Essence, the R.N.A Power Essence absorbed easily, was non-sticky and made my skin appear smoother. Though the R.N.A Power is rich (my skin started to spot oilier patches after a few hours), it definitely brightened my complexion upon application.” – ESTHER LIM

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“The R.N.A Power duo performed beyond my expectations. My sensitive combination skin is full of large pores and I’ve also been battling light pigmentation and sagging. Tired of relying on foundation, I’ve been searching for a product that allows me to walk out of the house freshfaced. After using SK-II, I noticed a transformation. My skin tone looks more uniform and my pores appear smaller too. Plus, there’s a luminous glow to my cheeks that’s not makeup! I’m stoked to finally be pulling off the no makeup look!” – SANDI SHEEAFTER