A vision board can be a powerful manifestation tool, but what if you have no idea what to put on it in the first place? Here’s an exercise that will give you some clarity.

A vision board can be a powerful manifestation tool, but what if you have no idea what to put on it in the first place? Here’s an exercise that will give you some clarity.
This exercise is called My 101 Dreams. Have a pen and a piece of paper ready. Then, read the following list of questions one by one. After reading each question, pause to think about it and write down a dream that the question inspires.
When you feel you’re out of ideas, cycle through the questions again. Do this as many times as you like to inspire as many dreams as you possibly can. Let your imagination run wild. Tap your creativity. And remember, turn off your rational mind. Resist the temptation to limit yourself.
#1 Dreaming big
Imagine your life without any limitations. You have all the money and time you need.
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
What would you do if you had all the money and time you needed?
What would you do if you had all the skills and knowledge you needed?
What would you do if you had all the courage you needed, all the self-belief you needed?
What would you do if you had all the support you needed?
What dreams do you have already?
What have you often wished for, but never put in writing?
What have you dreamed about, but never shared with anyone else?
#2 Dreaming deeply
Think about your dream life and how it would be different to your life today.
What would you start doing?
What would you stop doing?
How would you spend your time?
What would you do for work?
What experiences would you have?
Where would you travel?
What would you buy?
What would your purpose be?
Where would you live?
What would you surround yourself with?
How would you feel and act?
#3 Sharing the dream
If your life was filled with all the love and deeply satisfying relationships you could hope for, how would it look?
Who would be the key people in your dream life? Describe your relationships with them in just a few words
What dreams do you have to help your loved ones—your family, your friends?
What do you dream of for your community? For the world?
1. Dreaming is the first step to creating and living your dream life.
2. In order to dream big, you have to ask yourself the right questions to help you let go of limitations.
3. Don’t worry about the doing yet—just give yourself permission to dream and to capture those dreams on paper.

The power of putting pen to paper
When you write down your dreams, you acknowledge their importance and they become real.
There’s so much power in putting pen to paper. According to a study done by Dr Gail Matthews on strategies for achieving goals, those who write down their dreams and goals on a regular basis are 42 percent more likely to achieve them than those who don’t. And if you share those goals with someone in your life, the likelihood of you achieving those dreams and goals increases again.
The reason why writing down your dreams can have such an amazing effect is because when you write them down, you acknowledge their importance and they become real. They go from being just a thought—a wish or hope—to a physical manifestation on paper.
Yes, you could get the words down faster by typing, but the pen is so much more powerful. Not only does writing encourage you to slow down and think more deeply, it is also a truly personal act. And what could be more personal than your own dreams and goals?
Another benefit of taking dreams out of our hearts and heads and committing them to paper is that when we do that, we subconsciously (and consciously) start to take actions to make those dreams come true. It’s almost like some sort of magic starts happening, although research says that there is a sound scientific reason. According to a 2004 study published in the Psychology Science journal, the physical act of handwriting helps with memory, conceptual understanding, and application.
Excerpt taken from Your Dream Life Starts Here by Kristina Karlsson. Available at Kikki.K stores and online at www.kikki-k.com for $39.90.
Images Pexels.com (Jess Watters)
Text Reproduced with permission from the book Your Dream Life Starts Here by Kristina Karlsson.