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Written In The Stars

Ahead of Chinese New Year, CLEO staffers turn to expert divination readers to find out what the universe may have has in store for us.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Ahead of Chinese New Year, CLEO staffers turn to expert divination readers to find out what the universe may have has in store for us.

My Reading Room

Associate Editor Karen tries


With Master Goh from Way Fengshui

My family are big believers in feng shui - or at least in doing what’s necessary to ensure a good year and going as far as buying the occasional crystal ball. We’ve been getting feng shui readings for at least the past 10 years. I suspect my mum credits feng shui with getting me married...

The reading

When I visited Master Goh, I was expecting it to go along the lines of “Roosters in the Year of the Dog will experience [insert fate here].” Instead, I learned from Master Goh that feng shui is almost like a personality reading, which helps you to understand yourself so you can better handle whatever life throws at you. A class in celestial self-awareness, if you will.

I learned that as a Metal Rooster born at 7.04pm on November 28, I have strong Fire and Earth elements. These make me a bit of a perfectionist but also quite introspective. Master Goh explained it means I work hard to get things done right, but also that I can be quite indecisive (he also said this quality will make the Year of the Dog a bad time for me to make investments). He also said the Year of the Earth Dog would affect my digestive system, so I have to be more careful with what I eat. He also recommended I do more push-ups (which, let’s be honest, would be good no matter what year it is).

The aftermath

Personally, I like his method of helping you understand yourself better. He explained that through greater awareness of your Ba Zi (birth profile), you should be able to take the necessary steps to make any year a better one for you.

To be honest, I already knew some of the stuff he said about me, but to have someone say it out loud made it more meaningful, and made me more conscious of things I should watch out for in 2018.

A 30-minute life analysis session is $308.16. Way Fengshui is at #02-11, Fu Lu Shou Complex. For more information, visit
My Reading Room

Writer Adora Wong tries


With Sara Kelly Tan

I’ve seen several tarot readers before and the readings weren’t always accurate, so I wasn’t sure what to expect from a session with Kelly. I don’t expect tarot readers to provide answers, but I do expect them to be intuitive.

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My Reading Room
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The reading

The first tarot spread Kelly laid out for me is a common one known as the Celtic Cross, which she said is a “cliche” but that “shows the entire situation”. She said the cards gave her a peek into my subconscious, and said that while I’m independent, I have “a touch of defensiveness”. I’d say there’s some truth to this, but of course, it’s something that applies to most people.

Kelly then started delving deeper and shone a light on things that subconsciously bugged me. She also used numerology to figure out my life path, and said that a lot of my life will be spent exploring – in every sense of the word. She noted that I’ll make a good life coach and may even one day be a “bada** Oprah” if I play my cards right (no pun intended).

I’m not the most caring person around, but I’ve always been drawn to helping people who are stuck in a funk, so that statement intrigued me. I wondered for a moment if I’m ready for a career change, and imagined giving out free stuff while shouting: “You get one! And you get one! Everyone gets one!” 

Animal communication

Kelly is also an animal communicator, and halfway through my reading, she began talking to my dog. My 10-year-old pooch told her that whenever I’m upset, I sit in a particular corner in my room. That’s exactly what I do, and I must admit that hearing that made me feel weirded out yet warm inside (like I was never really alone during those times). Even though we talked about a lot of other things throughout the 90-minute session, the dogtalk moment was the only time I felt a bit emotional.

The aftermath

The advice I got from her? To not get disillusioned by all the struggles I face, because the more I let things go, the more I’ll attract the good stuff. According to her, a lot of good things will come my way... if I let them.

Kelly concluded that I should embark on a journey to become the best version of myself. And as general as the statement is, it’s just the sort of reminder I need. She emphasised that things may get a little lonely, which is not unlike any other path that requires personal growth.

I’m not opposed to seeing Kelly again if I’m struggling. She might not have all the answers, but she’ll point you in the direction you need to go – and to me that’s exactly what a good reader does.

Kelly’s tarot reading sessions are $150 an hour, and $2 for every subsequent minute. To get in touch with Kelly, visit
My Reading Room

Senior Features Writer Sophie tries


With Master Chuan from Chuan Consultant Services

Master Chuan’s brand of palmistry takes into consideration the Four Pillar Analysis, which is based on a Chinese astrology concept that believes life events are predetermined from birth. He crossreferences both readings, which apparently makes for a more accurate deduction.

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My Reading Room
The reading

The interesting thing about Master Chuan is he never deals in absolutes. When I asked about my love life, he said I had very deep feelings for a person when I was 25 to 26 (I was engaged at the time, so that much is true), and that the next time I’ll feel like this again would be when I’m 32. He didn’t tell me whether I would be married at that point; he simply said that’s when my feelings towards my romantic partner would be the strongest.

Emotional healing

Master Chuan usually does emotional healing for his clients after their readings. He asked if there’s anything that has been bugging me lately, and we traced the root of my most recent funk to a falling out I had with someone. He felt I was having trouble forgiving that person and wanted me to work on that.

This is how it works: he’ll get you to hold your arm out, tell you to picture something specific to the situation, then he’ll push your arm down. It’s an exercise that’s part of the healing process, which apparently alters the subconscious mind. This was followed by some breathing exercises and me repeatedly saying that I forgive that person.

I can’t say I’ve let go of the anger completely, but I did feel a tiny weight off my shoulders after admitting out loud that the incident has obviously impacted me in some way.

The aftermath

I came out of the two-and-a-half hour session feeling like I had just gone for therapy. Master Chuan told me things I felt were positive affirmations which, in turn, made me feel good about myself. He told me things like how as a water element with a yang personality, I’m smart, capable, and very adaptable – which made me acknowledge that those are my strengths. Upon reading that I’m in a period of my life where money feels a little tight, he also taught me about the Six-Jar Money Management Method (google it!). The money management lecture I got felt out of place in the session, but I did appreciate having actual practical advice I could use.

He also advised me to not be so insistent on getting what I want – especially when it comes to my romantic life. Ironically enough, that was partly the reason why my last relationship failed. So now that a total stranger has pointed it out to me, I find myself wanting to work on that more consciously.

A 60 to 90-minute palm reading and Four Pillar analysis with Master Chuan is $120 to $200. Chuan Consultant Services is at #04-12 Centropod, 80 Changi Road. For more information, visit
My Reading Room
My Reading Room

Senior Digital Writer Hidayah tries


With Selina Seah from The Aura Chakra Company

I’ve never been a believer of tarot cards and all that jazz (though ironically, I wear crystals) so I chose to go for a reading that was least likely to tell me I would die the next day: aura reading.

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My Reading Room
My Reading Room
The reading

Selina had me stand in front of a webcam while a special software helped to calibrate my aura. She told me that an aura reading is, in fact, nothing more than our energy blueprint. According to the software, I’m a Violet – a combination of red and blue. She congratulated me and said a lot of CEOs have this colour, and a part of me wondered why I am still a writer. But later, she said that my chakra indicates I’m in the right profession because I have a strong throat chakra – which means I’m good at communicating.

She added that if I ever wanted a career change, I can consider being an aura reader like her, as I also have a white aura, which makes me suitable for the healing arts.

The aftermath

Selina could tell I tend to suppress my feelings (while I don’t hold back my anger, I bottle up feelings of sadness) and told me that could be the reason for my chest pains... which I hadn’t told her about. Her advice? To meditate or go for a facial because it would help me “switch off”.

“Suppression is not management,” she said, adding, “Whatever you suppress will come out tenfold.” She also mentioned that my red chakra is big but pixelated, which means while I’m hardworking and believe that one should work for rewards, I can do better if I’m more focused. My orange chakra is also pixelated, which suggests I’m running on reserves.

The reading from my solar plexus suggests I know what I’m good at, but I’m starting to feel unsure of things, so I should start reviewing my goals. Well, I guess I’ll come back to this again in a few months’ time to see if everything holds true.

Will I take her suggestions on board? At this point, no, but I guess when things go to s**t, I might just pick up this article again and take up her recommendations.

An aura reading session is $48. The Aura Chakra Company is at #02-21 Siglap Centre. For more information, visit
Have you heard of primal astrology?

Primal astrology ( is an astrological chart that combines your Chinese zodiac with your Western horoscope. Through this, you’ll get a new “animal spirit” that’s supposed to be a more accurate indication of your personality and path in life. We got two of our interns to see how accurate their readings are…

My Reading Room

“As a Tiger and a Leo, it’s not surprising that my primal zodiac sign is a Wolverine. While I’m still a little sceptical, the description is quite aligned with my personality. Wolverines are very headstrong, but they also like to laze around. Though tough on the outside, they’re actually very emotional, just that their pride doesn’t allow them to be transparent with their feelings. I think astrology can be spot on, but sometimes also so vague that it becomes relevant to anyone who’s reading it. It’s an appealing illusion that makes you feel as if you can be “defined”... As long as it helps me become more perceptive about myself and the world, I’m OK with it.” – Cheryl Lim

My Reading Room

“I have to admit I’m a non-believer. I think most astrologers’ forecasts are deliberately generic to make the information applicable to most people. In any case, according to primal astrology, my spirit animal is the cricket, which says that I’m an intellectual, curious person and a late sleeper. Crickets tend to shy away from confrontations and make friends easily. I agree with some of these points. The reading then claimed that crickets are also supposed to have few struggles in finding love and will excel in their careers. Both are concepts I’ve barely figured out at this stage of my life. While some of it resonates, I’ll be taking them with a huge pinch of salt.” – Eric Chong