14 Days To Fitness

Our two-week walking programme will have you feeling better, and lighter. So, strap on those sneakers and put a spring in your step.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Our two-week walking programme will have you feeling better, and lighter. So, strap on those sneakers and put a spring in your step.

What could be better than enjoying the great outdoors on foot, all the while getting fitter from head to toe? Walking in nature provides a moment of respite from hectic living. It works the major muscle groups, protects the heart and brain, and helps you lose weight.

Go The Distance

“Walking 10,000 steps a day means you’ll cover between 7km and 9km,” says fitness expert Anthony Lynch. “This is enough to create a 500-calorie deficit each day, and this can result in losing [0.45kg] of body fat per week.”

Achieve this by doing about two brisk 30-minute walks per day. “Some experts suggest as little as 6,000 steps a day to improve your health, 10,000 to lose weight,” adds Anthony.

So, striding out can make a difference to your waistline, as long as you keep up the tempo and do it on a regular basis. Anthony’s progressive plan will have you fitter and trimmer in a fortnight. 



Walk 1: 25-30 minutes

Walk 2: 25-30 minutes

Pace Easy to steady

Incline Flat routes

Intensity 5-6 out of 10

Distance 4.8km in total

Plan two walks, perhaps scheduling one in the morning or at lunchtime, and the other in the evening. Time each walk to monitor your progress. 


Duration 1 minute quicker than Day 1 for each walk

Incline Flat routes

Intensity 6-7 out of 10

Pace Moderate to steady

Distance 4.8km in total

Do the same as on Day 1, but aim to beat your time on each walk by a minute. Keeping a bend in your elbows and swinging your arms will propel you forward.



Walk 1: 25-30 minutes

Walk 2: 25-30 minutes

Incline Flat routes

Intensity 6-7 out of 10

Pace Moderate to steady

Distance 6.4km in total

Increase the distance covered on your walks from 4.8km to 6.4km, while maintaining yesterday’s intensity. Pump those arms and maintain good posture.


Duration Incidental exercise

Distance 10,000 steps

Today is a rest day, but keep active wherever you can by using stairs instead of lifts, having a lunchtime stroll, pottering in the garden, or walking to the shops.



Walk 1: 25-30 minutes

Walk 2: 25-30 minutes

Incline 2-3 percent

Intensity 7 out of 10

Pace Moderate to steady

Distance 6.4km in total

Start to add in some hills to increase the intensity. You might find your calves feeling stiff after today, so spend an extra 30 seconds stretching each leg.


Duration 60-70 minutes

Incline 2-3 percent

Intensity 7 out of 10

Pace Moderate to steady

Distance 6.4km

The key is to get this walk done without any breaks. Add in the incline (or similar) from yesterday to increase your overall energy expenditure.


Duration As long as it takes

Incline 5-6 percent

Intensity Comfortable

Pace Moderate to steady

Distance 10,000 steps

Go for a long, leisurely walk. Don’t set targets; just keep moving. Choose somewhere with varied terrain. Enjoy it!



Walk 1: 25-30 minutes

Walk 2: 25-30 minutes

Incline Flat routes

Intensity 6/8 out of 10

Pace Moderate and brisk

Distance 6.4km in total

Split the distance into two walks, alternating between three minutes at a moderate pace, and one minute, brisk. The faster pace is intermittent to give you a chance to recover.



Walk 1: 25-30 minutes

Walk 2: 25-30 minutes

Incline 2-3 percent

Intensity 6/8 out of 10

Pace Moderate to brisk

Distance 6.4km in total

The brisk pace should have gotten your heart rate up. Today, do the same as Day 8 (with intervals) but add hills, aiming for a gradient of 2-3 percent.


Duration Incidental exercise

Distance 10,000 steps

As before, focus on getting in your step count by staying active wherever you have the opportunity and do some stretches at the end of the day.

DAY 11


Walk 1: 25-30 minutes

Walk 2: 25-30 minutes

Incline 2-3 percent

Intensity 6/8 out of 10

Pace Moderate and brisk

Distance 8km in total

Add another 800 metres per walk and change your pace as before. Try to complete the walks in the same time it took you to do three kilometres at the start of the plan.

DAY 12


Walk 1: 25-30 minutes

Walk 2: 25-30 minutes

Incline 2-3 percent

Intensity 6/8 out of 10

Pace Moderate and brisk

Distance 8km in total

Increase the pace! Now do just two minutes at a moderate pace and one minute, brisk. Go faster than yesterday and take slow, deep breaths on the moderate parts.


Duration Incidental exercise

Distance 10,000 steps 

This is a rest day ahead of a much harder day. Stay on the move to keep limber but don’t overexert yourself as tomorrow will be challenging.

DAY 14

Duration Go as fast as you can at a steady pace

Incline 5-6 percent

Intensity 7/8 out of 10

Pace Moderate to steady

Distance 8km

Walk eight kilometres at a moderate pace and incorporate the steepest hill from Day 7. Maintain good posture and breathe deeply. Record your time at the end.

Perfect Your Posture

Walking with good posture will not only help protect your back and knees from injury but also allow you to walk faster and further. Try Anthony’s top technique tips:

Keep your chin up as it’s better for your neck and shoulders.

Walk tall – don’t slouch or lean forwards or backwards. Roll your shoulders back and down intermittently to dispel any tension, allow maximum airflow into your lungs, and free your arms.

Hold your stomach in slightly – think belly button to spine – but without holding your breath. Squeeze your bottom and tilt your pelvis slightly under, to flatten out the lower curve of your spine.