Say goodbye to dryness and discomfort at the end of the day with Alcon Dailies Total1 Water Gradient One-Day Contact Lenses.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Say goodbye to dryness and discomfort at the end of the day with Alcon Dailies Total1 Water Gradient One-Day Contact Lenses.

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If you experience dryness and discomfort at the end of a long day as a result of wearing contact lenses, you need to try out Alcon Dailies Total1 Water Gradient One-Day Contact Lenses. These lenses are the world’s first and only water gradient contact lenses that provide exceptional comfort, even till the end of the day. The secret is the water gradient material. The lenses have a highly breathable core that allows oxygen to pass through. In fact, Dailies Total is six times more breathable than the leading daily disposable lenses. The lens also boasts an extremely smooth surface as it is close to 100 per cent water. Together, these features keep the eyes healthy, and all that touches them is a cushion of moisture till the end of the day. In a Singapore survey, nine out of 10 contact lens wearers who tried Dailies Total preferred it to their current lens brand.

For more information, visit The lenses are available at leading optical retail chains and outlets.

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Alcon Dailies Total1 Water Gradient One-Day Contact Lenses, $73 for a 30-piece box.
Alcon Dailies Total1 Water Gradient One-Day Contact Lenses, $73 for a 30-piece box.