This month, get to know… karin tan, assistant stylist

This month, get to know… karin tan, assistant stylist

Favoured style: Androgynous
I personally feel that fashion should be fun and experimental, so after coming across the works of designers like Rick Owens and Rei Kawakubo, I’ve been inspired to blur the line between menswear and womenswear. Pants that look almost like skirts, and loose-fit tunics are my wardrobe essentials.

Perennial obsession: Shoes
If there’s one thing I’m completely obsessed with, it’s shoes. I was never such a shoe fiend until I bought my first pair of Nike Air Max. Since then, my collection has grown to about 40 pairs. Sneakers and sandals are my favourites since they are easy to match and very comfortable.

Favourite artist: Takashi Murakami
I can’t claim to know much about the contemporary arts, but there’s just something about Murakami’s work – the smiling flowers, jellyfish eyes, skulls in a wide array of psychedelic colours – that gives me an instant mood boost. Since I can’t aff ord to buy his original pieces, I’m obsessed with owning everything else featuring prints of his signature smiling flowers… like my limited-edition Vans x Takashi Murakami slip-ons!

Fanboy of: G-Dragon
Who says guys can’t be fans of male celebs? Call me biased, but I think he’s one of the most stylish singers to have come out of K-pop land in recent years. He and his daring sense of fashion have been my style inspiration ever since I started listening to his songs and watching his music videos six years ago.

Guilty pleasure: Desserts
I have a sweet tooth, and I truly live by the saying “there’s always room for dessert” – no matter how stuff ed I am after a meal, I’ll always have ice cream, chocolates or candies. That said, I’m trying my best to cut down on my sugar intake because it’s really bad for my skin!