Would a serpent by any other form slither with such sparkle? If you were at the launch party for Bulgari’s month-long SerpentiForm exhibition, you’d probably think so. Making an unforgettable first impression was a 70m-long video installation that greeted guests as they entered the Art Science Museum, before Bulgari CEO Jean-Christophe Babin and Lucia Boscaini, Bulgari Brand and Heritage Curator, kicked the night off with an introduction of the exhibition highlights. After the ribbon-cutting with brand ambassador and actress Alicia Vikander, Bulgari’s 150 regional guests got to indulge in the splendour of the brand’s Serpenti creations—set against an impressive body of art that includes works by artists such as Marc Chagall, Keith Haring, Joan Miró, Robert Mapplethorpe and Helmut Newton, no less.
Alicia Vikander
The exhibition showcases Serpentis from the brand’s archives and private collections