Chinese jeweller Qeelin sends good fortune and positive energy with the Wulu collection.


Good Luck Charm
Chinese jeweller Qeelin sends good fortune and positive energy with the Wulu collection. Sensually curved and shaped like the figure eight, the charms represent different blessings depending on the material: red agate promotes inner stability, balance and harmony, while white agate purifies and promote kindness and peace, and black onyx is used to absorb negative energy. The collection features necklaces and bracelets.
中国珠宝商麒麟珠宝推出最新珠宝作品葫芦系列, 以传递幸运和正能量。灵感源自中国传统吉祥物葫 芦的8字形状,不同的珠宝物料代表了不同的祝福: 红玛瑙可促进内在平和,均衡与和谐,白玛瑙则有助 净化和提升善良与内心的平静,而黑玛瑙则可以帮助 消除戾气该系列包括项链和手链。

Tea Garden
茶园 麒麟珠宝
Zenology brings a taste of the orient into the bath with its Mandarin Green Tea Body Wash. Comprising invigorating citrus nobilis, the shower gel highlights botanicals and vitamins while remaining soft on the skin and environmentally friendly.
Zenology 推出最新 甜橘绿茶味沐浴露, 为浴室增添一些东方 气息。结合令人精神 为之一振的柑橘香 气,这款沐浴露采用 最有效的植物和维生 素成分,滋润皮肤之 余也非常环保。

Mrs Potts
As a brand founded on Pu-er tea, it’s no surprise Cha-Ling unveiled its own tea set created and manufactured in the home of Chinese ceramics, Jingdezhen in Jiangxi. The collection includes cups and mugs of varying sizes, the gaiwan (the traditional Chinese lidded bowl), vase, soap holder, wooden trays as well as a signature Yixing Teapot made of fine clay to keep the teas from cooling quickly.
作为一个以普洱茶闻名的品牌,茶灵推出产自中国陶瓷之乡江西景德镇的自家茶具。该茶具系列包 括不同大小的茶杯和茶碗,盖碗,花盘,肥皂架,木制茶盘,以及由细粘土制成的特色紫砂茶壶。