
Prawn & Salmon Toasts

Prep 20 mins • Cook 4 mins • Makes 16.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Prep 20 mins • Cook 4 mins • Makes 16.

6 large green prawns, peeled, deveined
•100 g smoked salmon fillet, flaked
•4 shallots, chopped
•4 thick slices white bread, crusts removed, quartered
•¼ cup sesame seeds
•Vegetable oil, for shallow frying
•Shredded spring onion, sweet and sour sauce, to serve.

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TIP: To make sweet and sour sauce, mix 1 tbsp cornflour with 1/3 cup pineapple juice in a small saucepan until smooth. Bring to boil on medium, whisking. Add ½ cup white vinegar, 2 tbsps tomato sauce and 1 tsp soy sauce. Simmer 3 mins.

1 Process prawns, salmon and shallots to a paste. Season.

2 Spread mixture onto each piece of bread. Place sesame seeds on a plate. Dip bread, prawn-side down, into seeds to coat.

3 In a wok or large, deep frying pan, heat oil on medium. Place bread, prawn-side down, in oil. Cook in batches for 30 secs on each side, until golden. Drain on paper towel. Serve toasts sprinkled with shredded spring onion. Accompany with sweet and sour sauce.


More: sauce