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The Calorie Counting Debate

It's time to stop obsessing over the numbers.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

It's time to stop obsessing over the numbers.

My Reading Room

For years, we've been sold on the idea that the key to losing weight was simply cutting down on the calories. However, a study highlighted in the New York Times in 2015 revealed that it's not so simple.

It turns out that some foods provide “high-quality calories”, such as leafy greens, nuts and eggs. These help you stay full longer, and also trigger your body to burn fat. And then there are the processed and sugar-rich foods that don’t fill you up as much, so you’re more likely to overeat.

Not all calories are created equal, so don’t think of the body as a calculator. It’s all biological at the end of the day, and about eating more of the good stuff. 

My Reading Room

“I’m all for one month of going really hard and eating really healthy... but I’ve always said, ‘Eat clean to stay fit, have a burger to stay sane.” – Gigi Hadid.

My Reading Room

Chef Jamie Oliver is all about giving tasty food a healthy boost and does it here with super lean chicken breast fajitas.

Jamie Oliver @jamieoliver.

Images / Instagram Account @gigihadid.

More: calories