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New Ways To Find Calm

Try these stressreducing solutions to bring peace back into your life.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Try these stressreducing solutions to bring peace back into your life.
My Reading Room

Music and dance are known for being excellent mood boosters. Spending time focusing on your biological and emotional needs, without worrying about what other people think, is liberating. Letting our hair down relieves stress and tension and decreases cortisol, making way for those feel-good hormones. 

Here’s how: Choose music that’s right for whatever you need. If you’re feeling down, choose uplifting music. Close your eyes and be present; that can bring about a sense of calm. even just lying on the couch and listening to music can really soothe you.


colouring is no longer exclusively for children, with many adults now embracing this activity to alleviate stress. It brings about a relaxed state because it promotes mindfulness. You get so focused on what you’re doing that your brain has no room to ruminate on those stressful thoughts.  

Here’s how: All you need are pencils, and a mindfulness colouring book or print-outs. To add an extra element of relaxation, we suggest creating time away from other distractions such as the TV or computer.


We are genetically programmed to find the natural features like trees, water and plants interesting and our focus is automatically drawn to scenes of nature. Our brain, nervous and immune systems benefit from spending time outdoors. Our senses are exposed to beautiful scenery that we can see and feel, while our sense of smell is exposed to invigorating aromas.

Here’s how: A walk around a park is enough to feel the physical and  mental benefits of being in nature, while to calm your mind it can be as simple as lying down on a patch of grass gazing up at the sky and taking in deep breaths to quiet your mind.