These simple adjustments to your diet and lifestyle can help you keep some of the most common digestive disorders at bay.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
These simple adjustments to your diet and lifestyle can help you keep some of the most common digestive disorders at bay.
My Reading Room

Living in a fast-paced, food-loving nation like Singapore, it’s not uncommon to experience occasional bouts of digestive discomfort, due to our irregular mealtimes or unhealthy diets. Luckily, a preventive approach can keep many stomach problems from occurring. Here are some of the most common digestive disorders and tips on how to prevent them, as advised by consultant gastroenterologist, Dr Andrea Rajnakova, PhD. 

The issue: Bloating 

What it is: Discomfort and distension in the abdominal area, caused by excess trapped gas in the digestive tract. Gas gets into your stomach when you swallow air while talking during eating, and through the breakdown of undigested food in the large intestine. It is released through burping or passing wind. 

The solution: Reduce the intake of common gas- causing culprits like cabbage, onions and fizzy drinks. Also avoid fatty foods, which slow down digestion and contribute to a bloated sensation. Since an imbalance in your stomach’s microflora may contribute to bloating, taking probiotic supplements may improve gut health. 

The issue: Reflux 

What it is: When the muscle valve between the oesophagus and stomach does not close tightly, stomach acid can wash into the oesophagus, resulting in heartburn. Other symptoms include burping, belching, and a sour or bitter taste in your mouth. 

The solution: Avoid chocolate, fatty/spicy foods, and tomato-based products, all of which relax the aforementioned muscle valve. Beverages such as citrus juices, alcohol, coffee and black tea are also triggers. You can also reduce reflux symptoms by eating smaller meals at regular times, not eating three hours before bedtime, and elevating your head by six to eight inches when you go to sleep. 

The issue: Constipation 

What it is: Inadequate dietary fibre and fluid intake lead to this common problem. Related symptoms include bloating, stomach cramps and a sense of incomplete emptying of the bowel.

The solution: Prevention is easy; simply consume more fibrous foods and drink plenty of fluids. However, if the symptoms persist, you need to see your doctor. The use of laxatives is not recommended, as you may come to depend on consuming them. 

The issue: Colorectal cancer 

What it is: It is the most common cancer in Singapore, and the most closely linked of all cancers to one’s diet. But, due to its long pre- malignant period, it can be caught early.

The solution: Cut down on red meat, especially those that are fried or grilled at high temperatures for prolonged durations. A high intake of fibre and vegetables can lower your risk of colon cancer by up to 50 per cent. Introducing vitamins B, D and calcium into your diet can also reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Lastly, while antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E do not prevent cancer, they are believed to have antioxidant properties. 

Lifestyle Changes Are Important Too 

In general, increasing your level of physical activity can reduce stress, a factor which contributes to issues such as reflux and constipation. It also keeps you trimmer, and a lower BMI is linked to a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. Not smoking and limiting your alcohol intake are also recommended. At the end of the day, modifying your diet and your daily habits don’t just benefit your digestion, they can also reduce the risk of other chronic diseases such as  fatty liver, heart disease, hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes, leading to an all-round healthier you.