With cosmetics companies launching new products every week, it’s easy to jump on the bandwagon and try product after trendy new product.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
My Reading Room

With cosmetics companies launching new products every week, it’s easy to jump on the bandwagon and try product after trendy new product. How do you keep up? Well, you don’t – not with every single thing, anyway. What’s important is to take a step back and evaluate how a new product fits into your beauty routine even while staying abreast of trends. That best-selling lipstick worn by a famous actress in her K-drama may not look great with your skin tone, while a foundation which is the all-time favourite of celebrity makeup artists may not suit your skin type. In these pages, you’ll find product recommendations, expert advice on skincare, curated advice on how to care for your skin in the manner truest to your individual needs, and which facial treatments give skin a pampering boost. Here’s to looking your most beautiful – by your own unique standards. 

More: product