Whether you’re suffering from pimples, clogged pores, redness or irritation,no thanks to constant mask-wearing, you can trust in the healing power of a good facial at SK-II Boutique Spa by Senze Salus.

Whether you’re suffering from pimples, clogged pores, redness or irritation,no thanks to constant mask-wearing, you can trust in the healing power of a good facial at SK-II Boutique Spa by Senze Salus.
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SK-II Boutique Spa by Senze Salus #02-26B, Raffles City Shopping Centre
In these unprecedented times, the latest buzzword in beauty is “maskne”: An undeniably irritating side effect of wearing a mask for extended periods of time in our hot, humid climate. Coupled with stress and long hours working from home, it is little wonder our skin is out of balance.

That’s where the power of a good facial comes in. Whether you’re suffering from pimples, clogged pores, redness or irritation, no thanks to constant mask-wearing, a facial treatment can do wonders to soothe and restore your skin to its pre-pandemic condition. SK-II Boutique Spa by Senze Salus offers a slew of them to help you say goodbye to your maskne woes once and for all.
The Senze Oxygenated Facial ($428 for 105 minutes) is a three-step treatment that promotes overall well-being while balancing the skin. First, up to 98 percent pure oxygen is infused to encourage the regeneration of damaged skin cells and help strengthen the skin barrier. Next up is an oxygen spray infused with SK-II’s signature ingredient PITERA™, which works on reducing skin irritation, redness and acne inflammation. Finally, inhalation of oxygen helps customers reduce stress, increase concentration and improve the immune system. If ever there was an all-rounded facial treatment for your skin and well-being, this is it.

Other maskne-zapping treatments offered at the SK-II Boutique Spa by Senze Salus include the Senze EO+ Facial ($348 for 105 minutes). Customised to each individual’s skin needs, it combines SK-II products with a selection of aromatherapy oil blends that can remedy acne, eczema, allergies and rashes as well as regulate sebum production, amongst many other benefits. Customers dealing with acne and clogged pores can also look into the Senze Aqua Pure Facial ($298 for 90 minutes) and Senze Awakening Facial ($428 for 90 minutes). Each treatment is designed to combat acne-causing bacteria and other impurities through deep cleansing and gentle exfoliation, while soothing inflamed and irritated skin.
Putting customers’ safety and well-being at the forefront, SK-II Boutique Spa by Senze Salus has taken the necessary steps to minimise the risk of Covid-19 exposure. Some of the strict protocols include the use of UV-C lamps to sanitise treatment rooms aft er every use, frequent cleaning of equipment and tools, mandated mask-wearing throughout the spa and a small staff-customer ratio for proper social distancing—all carried out to ensure peace of mind and a worry-free spa experience for everyone.