You Should Never Apologise for Five Things

You’ve worked hard to get to where you are, so don’t let those killjoy friends get in your way. There will be people who will be less-thanenthused about your success, only because it’s a reminder of how they didn’t work hard towards achieving their goals. You are not responsible for their feelings of insecurity – so you do you, girl.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Corbis/Click Photos
Corbis/Click Photos
1 Your success

You’ve worked hard to get to where you are, so don’t let those killjoy friends get in your way. There will be people who will be less-thanenthused about your success, only because it’s a reminder of how they didn’t work hard towards achieving their goals. You are not responsible for their feelings of insecurity – so you do you, girl.

2 Saying no

It doesn’t matter whether you’re rejecting the advances of a skeevy dude hitting on you at the bar, or declining yet another drinking session with your girlfriends – it’s OK to say “No, I’m not interested”, or “No, I’m unable to attend.” Do the things that make you happy – you’re not obligated to make everyone else happy.

3 Ending a toxic friendship

There’s nothing more tiring than maintaining a relationship with a frenemy. They’re the ones who expect you to be there for them 100 percent of the time, yet disappear when you need them; drain you emotionally, and hurt you all the time. Why are we friends with them again? It’s time to cut them out of your life. And when you do, don’t feel sorry about it. You deserve good things.

4 Leaving work on time

We all have those colleagues who come in early in the morning and are still slaving away at their desks when it’s way past 6pm. Well, just because they “live” in the office doesn’t mean you have to. You’ve finished your tasks, are on top of things and worked hard during the day, so you’re entitled to knock off on time. Don’t be sorry that you want to have that extra time to do the things you love!

5 Hating something else that everyone loves

Can’t stand Taylor Swift? Don’t get the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch or Chris Hemsworth? It’s a lonely road when you’re not a fan of something universally-loved, but wear that hate loud and proud, sis.

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