Who Says Guys Have To Make The First Move?

Here’s how to score a date in three easy steps.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Here’s how to score a date in three easy steps. 

My Reading Room

As a strong, independent, forward-thinking woman, you’re not afraid to take charge. From your career to your finances to your personal goals, you take matters into your own hands and make things happen. But what about your love life? Do you approach it with the same go-getting mentality, or do you passively wait for dates to show up at your door? If you’re looking for a serious relationship but dating apps and sites have failed you so far, well, here’s something that will change the game for you.

My Reading Room
1. Download Bite

Yes, Bite is a dating app, but hear us out: you won’t be stuck in an awkward back and forth situation here with someone who has no intention of taking things offline. The very nature of Bite is to get people to commit to an actual date at a restaurant first before they can start chatting on the app. That way, you can cut to the chase and make sure every connection you make is genuine.

2. Post a Broadcast

To let other Bite users know you’re single and ready to mingle, simply post a Broadcast stating when and where you’d like to meet. There’s even an option for you to specify how you’d like to settle the bill (you pay, go Dutch, or the other party pays). Wait for people to say yes to your Broadcast, then take your pick from the list. It’s that easy!

3. Invite someone out

Sure, you can leave things up to chance, but why do that when you can take control of your own destiny? Instead of waiting around for someone who has caught your eye to respond to your Broadcast, go ahead and make the first move using the Invite function. Essentially, it allows you to send him an invitation with a proposed date, time, and place. It’s the same as asking someone out, just minus the awkwardness, which is a huge bonus if you’re feeling a little bit shy. Happy dating!