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Turn Back Time

Say goodbye to drawn-out downtime

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Say goodbye to drawn-out downtime 
My Reading Room

Digital technology has been a catalyst for transformation and the world of beauty is no exception. Those seeking solutions for common age-related concerns will be happy to learn that the scalpel is no longer king and non-invasive technology leads the way with low or no downtime. 

In our bid to stop the clock, signs of ageing once taken care of with surgery are responding well to non-invasive digital procedures. According to Dr Nikolaus Linde, a Swiss beauty doctor and aesthetics expert, “Surgeries that use the scalpel have increased risk with general anaesthesia; complications such as bleeding, nerve damage, and infections; and problems with healing”. Contrary to this, non-invasive or mildly invasive treatments using digital technology give maximum results without the side effects. According to Dr Linde, the trend is not for doll-like perfection but rather to look like you’ve just returned from a holiday – relaxed and refreshed. 

The natural ageing process is exacerbated by exposure to sun, pollution, smoking and poor diet. The skin is the largest organ in the body and our genetics and lifestyle habits show up as excess fat, sun spots and skin weakening when collagen, the main protein of connective tissue that keeps skin plump and line-free, is destroyed. 

As we age, one of the first visible signs are crow’s feet and slackness in the neck, elbows, hands and knees as the skin thins and loses elasticity. Prolonged exposure to the sun can accentuate wrinkles and age spots; however, you needn’t succumb to a life indoors with the advances in technology. 

Microdermabrasion is still an effective cosmetic procedure that improve s irregularities in the skin’s surface by spraying tiny crystals onto the skin to gently remove the outer layer of skin. As a skin exfoliation and rejuvenation procedure, microdermabrasion is less aggressive than Dermabrasion and doesn’t require a topical analgesic or downtime. 

Considered the anti-ageing breakthrough of the decade, Fractionated CO2 Laser is a skin-resurfacing treatment that combines the effectiveness of traditional carbon dioxide lasers with a new application technique that delivers powerful results without the traditionally harsh side effects and complications of laser resurfacing. Fractionated CO2 Laser resurfaces the skin using beams of light energy to bore tiny holes in the skin so that the body’s natural collagen production is amplified, while also preventing damage to the top layer of skin. 

The downtime is minimal ranging from approximately five days to virtually none depending on how the treatments are conducted. A single session could keep you indoors with swelling, skin redness, weeping, peeling and moderate discomfort for several days; however, Dr Linde offers clients treatments more than eight to 10 sessions because many don’t want to appear like they have had work done. 

My Reading Room

Another non - invasive option recommended by Dr Linde is non-ablative Soft Surgery called PLEXR. Designed in Italy, the small digital tool makes very small burns that create a shrinking effect in the skin, diminishing wrinkles with no downtime. 

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a technology similar to laser that can work well for pigmentation and small blood vessels by using light energy that penetrates just below the skin’s surface damaging either the melanin (skin pigment) or blood vessels. The body’s natural skin repair mechanisms then removes the damaged tissue and produces a smoother skin colour. It usually takes several treatments to see significant results. 

Several leading technologies use temperature to destroy fat and tighten the skin on the face and body. Ultrasound is a mechanical wave with a small amplitude and a high frequency that creates micro- vibration. In the field of aesthetics, Ultherapy is the newest and leading ultrasound heat technology to address sagging facial skin and jowls and reach a depth of 4.5mm under the skin. Liposonics works in a similar way, but removes body fat to a depth of 13–20mm. 

Radio Frequency produces an electromagnetic field and a heating effect. Pellevé is a technology that gives immediate lifting results using heat from Radio Frequency energy to stimulate collagen. Because it’s like a spa treatment with a clinical result, many people from a range of demographics are interested in this treatment, including men. 

Accent Ultra aims at reducing cellulite and excess fat deposits through a combination of ultrasound and radio frequency energy for a firmer and more contoured body or face. Using the synergy of ultrasound and radio frequency, cold ultrasound shear waves selectively destroy fat cells while unipolar radio frequency heat accelerates metabolism for fast lymphatic drainage to tighten the skin. As a non-surgical method, Accent Ultra has no downtime, allowing the patient to immediately return to normal activities. On average, a total of four to eight visits of 45 to 90 minutes are required for distinguishable results. 

Cryolipolysis is a controlled cooling of local tissue that induces selective fat cell reduction and subsequent loss of subcutaneous fat. The non-invasive procedure CoolSculpting has had great success on areas with stubborn fat tissue that doesn’t respond to exercise and diet. The treatment involves cooling plates being placed on the target area whereby the fat is drawn in to cool the subcutaneous fat cells on three sides. 

The procedure takes approximately an hour, in which the client can relax with minimal discomfort. Afterwards, the frozen area feels numb and has some tenderness and swelling. In the months to follow, the affected fat cells are digested, reducing the thickness of the fat layer by 20 to 30 per cent, according to Dr Linde. 

Liposonics is a slower, but painless replacement for Liposuction treatments without needles, medication or downtime. Using specific ultrasound frequencies to vibrate and break fat cells without disturbing other tissues in the body, a 1.5 to 5cm reduction in circumference can be achieved with each treatment. 

The term ‘non-invasive’ can easily provide false confidence about the safety of a procedure, and it is essential that you research the technology and clinic carefully. Dr Linde also warns that there are inferior and inexpensive technology on the market that imitate the original technology. 

Experts in the field agree that handcrafted beauty by experienced beauty doctors who combine leading noninvasive technologies with minimally invasive treatments will give the most precise, desirable results. Your skin is a reflection of what’s going on inside; and therefore it is essential to also take personal responsibility by eating a good diet, not smoking, resting well and limiting prolonged exposure to the sun. 

“The trend is not for doll-like perfection but rather to look like you’ve just returned from a holiday – relaxed and refreshed” ~ Nikolaus Linde