ESTELLE LOW gave infrared yoga a go to see whether it lived up to its promises of better sleep, reduced muscle aches, and a brighter complexion.

The infrared heat is pretty gentle and soothing.
I don’t believe in quick fixes. But when something promises to better my complexion almost immediately – be it lightening my dark spots, brightening my dull skin or getting rid of occasional pimples – i’m willing to give it a shot.
I’m talking about infrared yoga, which involves a yoga session heated with an infrared radiant heating system. The invisible rays emitted from panels above are said to confer health benefits, including enhanced heart health and circulation, reduced cancer risk, and faster recovery from injuries, as well as improved sleep and better-looking skin.
Sounds like a load of bold promises, right? I thought so too until a quick Google search made me realise how prevalent (and possibly legit) infrared heat technology was. It’s used in sauna baths, heated garments and heat therapy lamps, to name a few. And i recently found out that the hot blanket and tummy wrap – which i’d been using for years at my neighbourhood spa – give off infrared rays, too.
Numerous studies have tested the efficacy of infrared radiation. So far, the proven benefits include improved endurance, quicker post-workout recovery, reduced joint pain as well as muscle aches, and a refined complexion. Not surprisingly, most of these effects are attributed to the increased circulation.
So, when i found out Jal Yoga did infrared yoga, the yogi in me couldn’t wait to try it. I’d always enjoyed hot yoga because the heat made my mind and muscles come alive. After director Jasmine loh shared that one instructor, who spent three to four hours daily in the infrared studio, had noticeably fairer and clearer skin after one month, i knew i had to try it to see if it could help put an end to the on-off breakouts on my forehead.
I expected more frills, but other than the 28 infrared panels that radiated heat from the ceiling, the infrared yoga room was pretty ordinary. each panel was meant to be directly above a yoga mat. However, the mats were arranged more densely when team shape was there, and we were told that this wouldn’t affect the overall experience.
Instructor perlen started the hatha yoga session with a series of breathing exercises. With zen music in the background, i closed my eyes and imagined myself sitting on the beach, soaking in the goodness of the sun.
Similar to hot yoga, the infrared heat had a therapeutic effect. My usually cold hands and feet warmed up quickly, along with the rest of my body. and i got into deep stretching poses, like standing forward bend, easily. i also felt ready to do more.
Perlen, our instructor, incorporated a number of stretching postures that targeted the back, shoulders, hips and hamstrings. Good for stiff office workers like us, i thought. And then, although the poses were gentle, i broke into a sweat within 15 minutes. this was a sure sign that my body was working hard to detox itself. i peeked at my neighbours – editor Zarelda and intern Claudia – and saw that they were also perspiring. By the time we got to the wheel pose, i was dripping so much sweat that i had to line my mat with a towel to avoid slipping.

The ambience was so soothing that Zarelda and Claudia both fell asleep during the final savasana (corpse pose) – something Zarelda, a regular yoga practitioner, said “didn’t usually happen”.
So, did infrared yoga live up to its promises? anecdotally, it checked a few boxes.
Zarelda’s fitness tracker recorded that she’d experienced deeper sleep that night. Claudia, who attended yoga for the first time that day, and whose muscles were tight and achy from running, said she felt much more relaxed and flexible afterwards.
As for myself, i was delighted to see that my forehead zits had subsided. It was as if they were never there. Before the infrared yoga session, they had been rather persistent and resistant to tea tree oil. My next step will be to see if regular infrared yoga would lighten my pigmentation and give me that glow Jasmine talked about.

Pardeep Fogat, founder of Jal Yoga

The 28 ceiling panels emit infrared heat while you do yoga.
Though both types are done in heated rooms, infrared yoga uses infrared radiation, as the name suggests, while hot yoga doesn’t. Infrared yoga is also not as hot. The infrared heat hovers between 35 and 36 deg C, while hot yoga is 37 to 39 deg C.
Another big difference: infrared heats objects directly, and without warming up the surrounding air. This means you’d feel less stuffy in an infrared yoga room.