Getting older doesn’t mean looking worse. These aesthetics treatments show you how to deal with your skin’s changes as you move from your 20s to your 40s.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Getting older doesn’t mean looking worse. These aesthetics treatments show you how to deal with your skin’s changes as you move from your 20s to your 40s.

Loving your skin is about knowing it from the inside out. And that means being aware of how it evolves as you get older, so you can adapt to its needs and reduce damage. 

In Your Glorious 20s – Invest

You know how financial experts advise you to start early to reap maximum benefits later on? The same applies to your looks. 

As you move into this decade, your skin is packed with collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid that keep it plump and dewy. But this combo doesn’t last forever – it starts to decline as you near your 30s. A high-performance sunscreen to protect your skin should be a top priority.

If old acne scars are still bothering you, now’s a good time to invest in SW1 Clinic’s Pico Smooth. It delivers ultra-short bursts of energy (one-trillionth of a second per burst) to accelerate healing and refine pores for glass-like smooth skin.

To clear up acne-ridden skin, the 30-min Forever Clear BBL treatment harnesses blue, red and yellow light bands to target the specific bacteria responsible for acne formation, while reducing redness and regulating sebum production. 

In Your Fearless 30s – Rejuvenate

Have you noticed that your skin looks duller and more tired now? That’s because cellular turnover takes about 20 days longer than a decade ago. Your skin is also losing the ceramides, lipids, collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid that keep it hydrated, smooth and protected. Quick fix: A gentle exfoliator will remove dead skin cells and speed up cell renewal. 

But if you want significant results, the Forever Young BBL treatment is a notch up from Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, and sends light energy deep into skin to revitalise it and “programme” it to act younger. Collagen production increases. Brown spots get lighter. Skin is brighter, firmer and more even-toned, while pores, fine lines, acne scars and redness are reduced.

In Your Fabulous 40s – Reverse

The years of sun exposure, pollution, stress and sleep debt turn into pigmentation, dehydration and wrinkles. Using a retinol product will help support skin repair.

You can also give your skin a super boost with Fraxel Light treatment. The high-performance microlaser peel erases stubborn pigmentation in four to six sessions. It also minimises pores, fine lines, roughness and dullness, and charges each skin cell with the energy to renew itself and replenish collagen loss. It’s an efficient way to clear the slate on decades of damage and enjoy beautiful skin for many more years.


Dr Low Chai Ling is a serial entrepreneur, multi-hyphenate and trailblazer in the field of aesthetics. Tapping into her expertise and influence, she founded SW1 Clinic, one of the largest aesthetic, plastic surgery and medical spa centres in Singapore with a stellar team of doctors and plastic surgeons. This empowering space supports women in taking control of their beauty and breaking age-defined boundaries. 


#13-03 Paragon, tel: 6817-8888, and #02-19/20 OUE Downtown Gallery Tower 2, tel: 6817-8882. Visit for more information.