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Reverse signs of ageing and achieve glowing skin on-the-go with ASTALIFT’s Pure Collagen Drink 10,000 mg and Pure Collagen Powder 5,000 mg.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Reverse signs of ageing and achieve glowing skin on-the-go with ASTALIFT’s Pure Collagen Drink 10,000 mg and Pure Collagen Powder 5,000 mg.

Receive a free Tiger Steel Mug (600 ml) when you buy a gift set (two boxes of Pure Collagen Powder 5,000 mg)!
Receive a free Tiger Steel Mug (600 ml) when you buy a gift set (two boxes of Pure Collagen Powder 5,000 mg)!

Are you noticing fine lines or pillow marks forming or your hair becoming more brittle? Every day, collagen gets depleted in your body. This valuable and natural protein is what gives skin its elasticity, strengthens hair and nails, maintains joint health and keeps you looking youthful.

Replenish your body’s collagen needs anytime, anywhere and achieve beauty from within with ASTALIFT’s award-winning anti-ageing antioxidant boosters that are ideal for busy, modern-day women. Celebrating their 5th anniversary this month, ASTALIFT uses only premium grade high quality collagen in their Pure Collagen Drink 10,000 mg and Pure Collagen Powder 5,000 mg sachets. To ensure the highest quality, low-molecular collagen essence is extracted using a low temperature and Fujifilm’s proprietary collagen-technology with more than 80 years of research and studies. The stabilised formula is therefore more readily absorbed by the body to enhance your skin’s firmness and radiance, reduce fine lines as well as improve overall nail, hair and joint health.

The Pure Collagen Drink 10,000 mg contains two times the concentrate for an extra dose of collagen. With zero fat and a low-calorie count of 21 kcal, drink one bottle every night for optimal results. If you’re always on the go, simply pop a couple of Pure Collagen Powder 5,000 mg sachets into your bag and add to your drink. These travel-friendly beauty boosters will help you stay on top of your skincare game effortlessly, no matter where you are.

ASTALIFT Pure Collagen Drink 10,000 mg, $60 (30 ml x 10 bottles), and Pure Collagen Powder 5,000 mg, $76 (5.5 g x 30 sachets) are available at ASTALIFT Boutiques located at Wisma Atria #03-30, JEM #01-20 and other selected stores at Beauty Language, BHG, Guardian, SASA, Toyku Hands, Unity Pharmacy and Watsons.