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Exceptional Comfort All Day Long

With the unique water gradient technology i n Dailies Total 1® One-Day Contact Lenses, you can now enjoy exceptional comfort that lasts up to 16 hours!

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

With the unique water gradient technology i n Dailies Total 1® One-Day Contact Lenses, you can now enjoy exceptional comfort that lasts up to 16 hours!

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Our busy modern lifestyles are filled with work, school and other activities. To help you live life to the fullest and focus on the things that really matter, Alcon introduces the new Dailies Total1, the world’s first and only water gradient one-day contact lenses that offer exceptional comfort that lasts up to 16 hours1, so that your eyes feel as good at the end of the day as it does in the beginning.

The unique water gradient technology results in greater comfort for wearers.
The unique water gradient technology results in greater comfort for wearers.

The lenses that “feel like nothing”*

These daily disposable contact lenses were made to be worn for long hours, thanks to their unique water gradient technology. It provides a gentle cushion of moisture that has been proven to provide breakthough comfort that lasts throughout the day. The lenses have a water content that transitions from 33 per cent at the core to almost 100 per cent at the outermost surface, thereby maintaining optimal lubricity – or “wettability”, even after a full day of wear. This lubricity reduces friction and helps provide the breakthrough comfort of the lenses. In fact, they are so comfortable that users reportedly could not feel that they were wearing the lenses.*

For healthy-looking eyes**

To feel and look healthy, your eyes also need to breathe too! With 33 per cent water at the core, more oxygen can pass freely through the lens to your eye for an extremely comfortable experience.

*Percentage of wearers agreeing with the statement

**High O2 permeable lenses, Dk/t=156.

1.In a randomized, masked clinical study; n=14, Alcon data on file, 2014. 2. In a clinical study with 80 patients; Alcon data on fi le, 2011. 3.Angelini TE, Nixon RM, Dunn AC, et al. Viscoelasticity and mesh-size at the surface of hydrogels characterized with microrheology. Invest Oph & Vision Sci. 2013;54(E-Abstract 500). 4. Kern J, Rappon J, Bauman E, Vaughn B. Assessment of the relationship between contact lens coefficient of friction and subject lens comfort. ARVO 2013 Annual Meeting Abstract. 5.Coles C. Coeffi cient of friction and contact lens comfort. American Academy of Optometry abstract 1205603, October 25, 2012. 6.Brennan N. Contact lens-based correlates of soft lens wearing comfort. Optom Vis Sci. 2009;86:E-abstract 90957. 7.Based on the ratio of lens oxygen transmissibilities, among daily disposable lenses; Alcon data on file 2010. Ask your eye care professional for complete wear care and safety information.

For more information, visit The lenses are available at leading optical retail chains and outlets.