What can a smart and tailored jacket do for you that sportswear can’t? Make everything you wear (including sportswear) look smart and proper. This one is from Dior. Turn the page for other options.

What can a smart and tailored jacket do for you that sportswear can’t? Make everything you wear (including sportswear) look smart and proper. This one is from Dior. Turn the page for other options.
"Lined wool jacket, matching skirt with attached leather belt, and cotton tee (prices unavailable), Christian Dior. Earrings, stylist’s own."
The Classics
You don’t need a whole suite of them. Just a couple of great ones (single-breasted is fine; so is double) in equally classic colours. The payoff is priceless.

The Coloured

Adding on another plaid, this Michael Kors look is for influencers.