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The Designer Wardrobe for $129 a Month

Styletheory lets you “borrow” three items at a time from 60 labels.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Styletheory lets you “borrow” three items at a time from 60 labels.

Your designerlabel “fairy godparents”: Raena Lim and Chris Halim.
Your designerlabel “fairy godparents”: Raena Lim and Chris Halim.
“Fashion is one of the industries that promotes waste – a lot,” say Raena Lim and Chris Halim, both 29. That’s why the local couple – she was in finance and he was a management consultant – came up with Styletheory a year ago.
The curated designer clothing subscription box and app, inspired by the likes of Uber, Grab, and Airbnb, aims to bring the sharing economy model to women who enjoy fashion, but in a sustainable, smarter and cost-efficient way.
“Instead of spending money on items that you’ll wear only once or twice, Styletheory lets you try and suss out more than 60 designer labels – guiltfree,” say Lim and Halim.
Two months after they launched Styletheory’s wait list in January 2016, it had more than 1,500 noquestions-asked members. The app then kicked off three months later in May. Since then, Lim and Halim have had to scale back on releasing the app as the supply is still catching up with the crazy demand. Your option now is to do what we are trained to do: Queue for your turn. 
Go to to join the wait list. An e-mail reply will prompt you to download the app and sign up when it is your turn.
The app offers everything but shoes. Most of the clothes come in the more popular local sizes: XS, S and M.
Pick any three pieces. Your box will be delivered free to your home within three to five working days. If that’s too long for you, collect it in one to two days from more than 80 pick-up points.
Wear your picks for as long as you like, though you shouldn’t if you want to s-t-r-e-t-c-h your monthly membership fee.
Request a pick-up when you’ve had your fill. No cleaning required. Just return the items in the same box they came in.
Since you can only get your next three fixes after Styletheory receives your returns, add your pre-selections to your wish list first. 
Some of the
labels at
Left to right: Cameo,
from Australia.
Some of the labels at Styletheory. Left to right: Cameo, from Australia.
Fabitoria, from 
Fabitoria, from Taiwan.
Lynn Calter,
from the US.
Corey Lynn Calter, from the US.
from the US.
Equipment, from the US.
Keepers, from
Finders Keepers, from Australia.
Fabitoria, from 
Fabitoria, from Taiwan.

Photography Frenchescar Lim / Hair Ikeda Mitsuru/ Itto + Lim / Makeup Benedict Choo, using Shu Uemura.

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