The Californian brand is already big with adventure seekers for its no-nonsense outdoor gear and equipment.
The Californian brand is already big with adventure seekers for its no-nonsense outdoor gear and equipment. Now, it conquers the fashion frontier.
The West clan (Kim and Kanye) wears its puffers and windbreakers for fun. Supreme and Vetements are fans, too. So is Japanese brand Hyke (say hike), which has collaborated with it not once, not twice, but thrice (for two seasons in 2018, and now S/S ’19).
So why The North Face? With thrill-seeking experiences in such demand, truly functional (not trend-led) wear is increasingly celebrated. Couple that with a fashion eye – Hyke, in this case – and The North Face’s parkas, ponchos and raincoats are no longer just useful, they’re chic. - RT