
Fishing for milk

Here’s a soup that is traditionally taken during the confi nement period to help boost breast-milk supply.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Here’s a soup that is traditionally taken during the confi nement period to help boost breast-milk supply. 

My Reading Room


Serves 2 

400g green papaya 

500g fresh fish head or fillet   

Pinch of salt 

Pinch of Bentong ginger powder  

60g old Bentong ginger 

1 tbsp sesame oil 

5 cups water 

5 dried red dates 

1 tbsp wolfberries  

1. Peel and cut papaya into small chunks. Remove seeds. 

2. Wash fish and cut into pieces. Drain off excess water and rub on salt and ginger powder. Set aside. 

3. Wash ginger and keep the skin intact. Cut into slices. 

4. In a pan, heat sesame oil on medium fire. Fry half of the ginger slices till fragrant. Fry both sides of the fish head or fillet till golden brown. Put aside. 

5. Use a claypot to heat sesame oil again on medium fire. Fry remaining ginger slices till fragrant. Add water and bring to a boil. 

6. Add red dates and wolfberries, followed by papaya. Bring to a boil again for about 5 minutes. 

7. Add fish and simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes. Avoid stirring to prevent the fish from breaking apart. 

8. Taste to adjust seasoning. 

If needed, add salt, ginger powder and sesame oil. Serve hot. 

Annie Yang, a traditional Chinese medicine enthusiast, contributed the recipe and nutrition tips. You can book her confinement meal service at Dine Inn ( 

More: ginger